“Avengers: Age of Ultron”, is still looking for an actress to portray Scarlet Witch. Bleedingcool.com reports that Irish actress Saoirse Ronan, who was said to be director Joss Whedon’s top choice, has apparently passed on the coveted role as Wanda Maximoff  aka Scarlet Witch, despite the fact that she once showed interest to portray the daughter of Magneto. Whedon and Marvel have reportedly moved on to pursuing the “Liberal Arts” actress Elizabeth Olsen.


Elizabeth Olsen

Whedon also explained in the report that the sequel might not tie Scarlet Witch with her father Magneto as part of a back-story.

Vision, Loki and Thanos will not feature in ‘Avengers 2: Age of Ultron′ which in due to be released in a very jam-packed 2015 lineup.



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