Dailysuperhero.com reports that Director Joss Whedon recently talked about, “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and tried to shed some light on reports suggesting that “Vision” would be featured in the film with Vin Diesel rumored as the depicter.


Avengers poster

Whedon said:

“We’re not going to see (Henry ‘Hank’) Pym and all the accoutrements. Ultron is more central to the Avengers as they are. But we will explore the idea of lineage, because he was created by us and we’ve got to own that,”

Dailysuperhero.com also notes:

“Whedon saying “accoutrements” means no Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Fans and websites have speculated Vision could show up in the sequel especially after actor Vin Diesel has made hints of being in the sequel over on his Facebook page. But this now seems like it is unlikely.”


The Vision betrayed his programming and helped The Avengers to defeat the mighty Ultron, his creator

Thanos would also not make an appearance in ‘Avengers 2’, however we should expect the villain to show up in “Guardians of the Galaxy”.

He added:

“We have to stay grounded. It’s part of what makes the Marvel universe click – their relationship to the real world. It’s science-fiction, and Thanos is not out of the mix, but Thanos was never meant to be the next villain. He’s always been the overlord of villainy and darkness,”


Thanos is an extraterrestrial warlord who allies himself with Loki

Loki was ruled out last June, confirmed by Entertainment Weekly, Tom Hiddleston  broke the news in an interview:

“(Loki’s) not in it. Here’s the thing: I don’t think there’s anything else Loki could contribute to The Avengers, narratively,” Hiddleston said. “Joss gave me so many wonderful things to do in that first film that we’d only be trying to repeat ourselves, and probably less well in the second one.”


loki is the adoptive brother and archenemy of Thor

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