by TheFran | Jul 23, 2014 | Movies & Series |
We try and avoid all and any Game of Thrones news after each season ends, simply because it makes the time go by faster. Let’s face it, waiting one year for 10 episodes is torture. But, it can’t hurt to look back at the previous 4 seasons and reminisce at...
by TheMac | Jul 14, 2014 | Movies & Series |
Comic-Con geeks can finally sit down and map out their journey through the halls for this year’s event. Comic-Con International released the full schedule for this year’s event that will take place July 23-27 at the San Diego Convention Center. –Check out...
by TheMac | Jul 10, 2014 | Movies & Series |
Fans wondering if author George R. R. Martin will be alive to finish his “Song of Ice and Fire” book series will be pleased to know that he is healthy and strong at the age of 65. In fact, there is nothing wrong with his mobility or speech, particularly...
by TheMac | Jun 24, 2014 | Must Have's |
Calling on all geeks not afraid to let their geek flag fly. We discovered one of the best sources of geeky series t-shirts on the internet. The friendly folks over at Le Rage Shirts have some of the best “must have” shirt collections we have ever seen. We really enjoy...
by TheFran | Jun 23, 2014 | Movies & Series, Top of Geek |
If you are a fan of us here at GeekShizzle then you should know that we are huge Game of Thrones fans. Because of this, we decided to take our 10 best moments from Game of Thrones season 4 and give tribute to them. These scenes may not be the fan-favourites, or the...
by TheFran | Jun 23, 2014 | Movies & Series |
Praise be to whomever compiled this list. It gives us the on-screen death in the entire season 4. As expected, there were a lot of death once again. Season 4 had a whopping deaths. The video was once again compiled by Digg. They also released this video with every...
by TheFran | Jun 19, 2014 | Movies & Series, Slider |
This has become a yearly occurrence now hasn’t it. Every year the HBO smash hit series Game of Thrones breaks the record for being the most pirated show/episode ever. This is for the last episode of the season. This year was no different. TorrentFreak reported...
by TheMac | Jun 12, 2014 | Movies & Series |
Series geeks out there following “Game of Thrones” will agree that season 4 is turning out to be one of the most bloodthirsty and intense since the show’s debut. Gaining fans with each season, the show about seven noble families who fight for control of the mythical...
by TheMac | Jun 9, 2014 | Movies & Series |
HBO’s “Game of Thrones” has fans on the edge of their seats with the season 4 finale just a week away. The episode titled “The Children”, will focus on the children of the families after the chaotic events that lead them on their paths. Once again we...
by TheFran | Jun 5, 2014 | Movies & Series |
We find this information hard to believe, seeing as the initial plans for the popular HBO series Game of Thrones, based on the novels by author George R. Marting, initially only included 3 books. The 3 books quickly became 5, then 7. Latest news is that there will be...
by TheMac | Jun 4, 2014 | Movies & Series, Slider, Top of Geek |
Any series geeks out there ever wondered which TV shows are the most geeked about on Twitter? We have the list of the most tweeted shows right here, and many of you will not be surprised to see who is the “one who knocks” for another world record. Yes, we are talking...
by TheMac | May 28, 2014 | Fun Videos, Random |
LOTS OF SPOILERS! The pot smoking Seth Rogen and Snoop Dogg talking about “Game of Thrones” is the best recap of the popular HBO show you will ever experience. The “Neighbors” stars popped by the rapper’s GGN web series for a chat. The clip is hilarious...
by TheMac | Apr 21, 2014 | Movies & Series |
We finally get an idea of the size of Daenerys Targaryen’ dragons in the upcoming seasons of Game of Thrones. George R. R. Martin posted an image showing Aegon the Conqueror on the back of his fierce dragon, Balerion the Black Dread. The author posted an excerpt...
by TheFran | Apr 17, 2014 | Movies & Series, Slider, Top of Geek |
It is a great time to be watching TV shows, with so many shows entertaining us day in and day out, we find it difficult to spend time on our Diablo 3 Crusader up-levelling. Indeed, there are some really great shows on TV at the moment, and we decided to mention 5...
by TheFran | Apr 15, 2014 | Movies & Series, Slider |
The fourth season of Game of Thrones is already in full swing, and after another shocking “wedding” episode last night, the series has truly become one of the shows that never ceases to surprise. Surely there are some of us who never really watched Game of...
by TheMac | Apr 14, 2014 | Movies & Series |
HBO’s “Game of Thrones” kicked off season 4 on Sunday, April 6 with a huge bang! The season opener titled “Two Swords”, drew 8.2 million series geeks checking in with two encores on the same night. This achievement officially marks the largest...
by TheMac | Apr 7, 2014 | Movies & Series, Series Trailers |
The much-anticipated purple wedding is finally here with King Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell taking a knee for the Royal ceremony. Sansa passes a snarky comment while she attends the wedding, “We have a new queen”. Have a peak at the preview if you’ve...
by TheFran | Apr 7, 2014 | Movies & Series |
Start your Monday with this cheerful yet bloody video of Every Game of Thrones On-Screen Death since the first episode, up until the end of the third season. Yes we know season 4 kicked off last night, but we have not yet seen it. So no spoilers please! Watch every...
by TheFran | Apr 2, 2014 | Fun Videos, Movies & Series |
Fans of the Screenjunkies’ Honest Trailer videos will know all too well that his videos are not to be missed. Not only are they always spot-on with quick, clever remarks it is just plain hilarious. This is without a doubt the best one they’ve made. The...
by TheFran | Mar 17, 2014 | Movies & Series |
HBO released this rather comical video about the beginnings and the current state of the hit series Game of Thrones. Titled ‘Long Story Short’, the video shows us interviews with the two producers, and we get to see how the books, written by George R.R....