Opportunity Mars Rover Discovers White Rock

Opportunity Mars Rover Discovers White Rock

Opportunity Rover made a baffling discovery on Mars, and although it may not be water or signs of life, it sure has the NASA scientists baffled. The following photo was sent back by Opportunity Rover, taken on 8 January 2014, compared to a photo taken on the exact...
Amazingly Detailed Boeing 777 Model Paper Airplane

Amazingly Detailed Boeing 777 Model Paper Airplane

This is simply spectacular. Luca Iaconi-Stewart has been working on this 1:60-scale Boeing jet-liner for five years, and the result is what you see in these images. This may be the best paper modelled airplane we’ve ever seen. The time and energy required to not...
Top 7 Original Memes

Top 7 Original Memes

The term “meme” has changed drastically over the last few years. These days just about anything that has a big enough following, or shared in a short time-frame over multiple Social Networks can be classified as a meme. When we think back to the infancy of the word...
Winamp Lives again – Radionomy buys Winamp

Winamp Lives again – Radionomy buys Winamp

There is life in Winamp again. After announcing it’s closure at the end of last year, fans were hit with a wave of nostalgia in saying goodbye to their favorite music player since 1990. The official announcement read: Winamp.com and associated web services will...