With Marvel announcing 5 release dates for it’s upcoming movie slate, we are left guessing at which superhero we may see come to life next on the big screen. Marvel announced the 5 new release dates are July 28 and November 3, 2017; July 6 and November 2, 2018; and May 3, 2019. Marvel is expected to reveal the titles when it hits Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con on July 26, but this doesn’t stop us from giving our own predictions and take a serious look at The Marvel Movies Heading Our Way from 2017 to 2019.
Let’s take a step back and look at the Marvel movies we already know are coming our way:
Also See
- Complete Superhero Movie Release Date Calendar until 2020
- DC Movies heading our way from 2016 – 2020
- Marvel release action packed Phase 1 & Phase 2 movie recap video
What we know:
May 1st 2015 – The Avengers: Age of Ultron
Set to be the biggest blockbuster since, well the previous Avengers. This movie is sure to once again set a few box office records. The best thing you can do right now is to click here and get up to speed with all the latest Avengers: Age of Ultron news.
July 17th 2015 – Ant-Man
With the Edgar Wright director debacle we’re not too optimistic about the Ant-Man movie anymore. Although Kevin Feige claims the script remains the same as Edgars, we have our doubts. Check-out all our Ant-Man archive news here.
May 6th 2016 – Captain America 3
July 8th 2016 – Doctor Strange
With no casting news confirmed yet for Doctor Strange, we have loads of speculation and possible lead actors that may or may not join the cast. Check-out all our Dr. Strange news archives here
May 5th 2017 – Thor 3
July 27th 2017 – Guardians of the Galaxy Sequel
Guardians of the Galaxy will open the door for Thanos in Avengers 3. We’ve been waiting for Thanos since the first Avengers. We will get our first proper look and sound of Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy. The date has been confirmed by Marvel, announced at the 2014 San Diego Comic con.
November 3rd 2017 – Avengers 3
This leaves two slots, the 2018 and 2019 movies open for debate. What has become very clear though is that Marvel’s Phase 3 is going to be a lot bigger by the time The Avengers reassemble for the third bout facing Thanos. Alternatively Avengers 3 may be pushed to the below 2018 July slot, which leaves the November 2017 slot open for another Marvel movie.
Some of the rumours doing the rounds on the internet are solo films for Black Widow, Black Panther or Ms. Marvel. Then again we may get a new solo Hulk movie, or another Iron Man. Don’t forget about a possible Nick Fury movie.
2018 – July 6th: ?????
2018 – November 2nd: ?????
2019 – May 3rd: ?????
This is well into Marvel’s 3rd phase which is still a huge mystery:
We’ll just have to wait for the SDCC people. In the meantime, geeks should mark their calendars and plan their Con visit properly by checking out the Full Movie Schedule and the Full TV Schedule released a little earlier this month. We also expect masses of “Walking Dead” geeks to check out AMC’s panel for the hit post-apocalyptic horror series. DC is also planning to take the Con by storm with the announcement of their 7 Anticipated DC Comic Book Movies to hit us till 2018. The studio is also planning a three-hour presentation on Saturday, July 26 to promote “Gotham“, “The Flash“, “Constantine” and “Arrow“.
The Fran here at GS also put together a nice little guide giving us an idea of What To Expect at San Diego Comic-Con 2014. Comic-Con International will take place July 23-27 at the San Diego Convention Center.
I hope to GOD! There won’t be a solo movie for black widow. Unless Disney can afford to lose out on money. I as well as many people I spoke with in person and on the web feel the same way. There are plenty of more worthy marvel characters that deserve a shot at a solo movie. She has no powers and we really don’t care about her. She’s cute, there!, now can we move on. Put it this way, if there’s a black widow movie before a solo movie about the Silver Surfer I will forget about my love for Marvel comics, cartoons, and movies. I will boycott Marvel movies, and I will no longer spend vast amounts of money at Disneyland because I will no longer attend anything Disney related. Thanks.
If the twins are to make a showing in Avengers 2 then what about Magneto? If licencing issues are a problem they could just use a different name like Magnus. Kinda like they used Quicksilver in Xmen DFP. Instead of Pietros he was called Peter.
Indeed. It is so difficult to keep track of what the studios are planning due to copy right issues and their own hokum. In an interview with Total Film last year, Aaron Johnson hinted that both Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch have been abandoned to get around the Magneto issue.They are definitely not sticking to the comic books for most of our favorite comic book movie characters. Ultron will apparently be created by Stark and not Dr.Hank Pym for example. I suppose we are at the mercy of the studios to deliver something worthy of our time.
Read that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are the only two characters with co-owned movie rights. Fox can use them in the X-films as mutants and as Magneto’s children (like they did with Quicksilver in DOFP), but just can’t reference their connection with the Avengers, which is easy enough. However Marvel, can also use them as Avengers, but just can’t reference their connection to Magneto or as mutants. First point is easy enough, but second point is going to need some creative retconing as to how they got their powers. Rumours I’m hearing are that it will be either the result of HYDRA experimentation or some Inhuman link.
There was a doctor strange reference in captain America 2 somethen about a doctor named strange watch it and look for it
Really? Thanks We’ll check it out!