If you’re in the Americas zone then you are probably playing the new HearthStone expansion, Curse of NaxxRamas, also known as “Naxx”. Blizzard announced the release dates last week. 22 July for Americas, and 23 July for European players.
Also See: How to earn gold in HearthStone
We have our first opinions and reviews coming in, and we’ll take a look at some of the best new cards. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on how Naxx will work, how much it will cost, and how Blizzard will release a new ‘level’ every week then check our detailed explanation. Here’s the official Blizzard trailer for The Curse of Naxxramas:
Each week will see different cards released. As you complete the level or “wing” for that week you will get more cards made available to you. Blizzpro already reviewed their top 5 ‘Naxx’ cards here. Take a look at our favourite celebrity HearthStone player Kripparian taking us through all the cards below. Also, checkout the list of official patch notes.
Lastly, TotalBiscuit takes us through some actual gameplay:
[Source: HearthStone Curse of Naxxramas – Gameplay and Card Review]