Matt Smith, former star of the wildly popular British science-fiction series “Doctor Who” has officially joined the cast ensemble for “Terminator: Genesis“. Paramount Pictures confirmed the casting, saying that the actor would “play a new character with a strong connection to John Connor”. No additional tidbits have been revealed indicating the details of the role or the name of the character.
Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed in an interview that filming for ‘Terminator: Genesis’ started in April while dishing on how excited he is about the new take on the cult classic movie franchise. The storyline for the much anticipated reboot is till under wraps, but the 66-year-old star also mentioned that ‘Genesis’ will have the same feel as ‘Terminator 2′.
He said:
“Terminator is going to have the exact same feel. The way it [Terminator: Genesis] reads, it has the same feel of Terminator 2. It’s big. There’s hardcore action and it has some really great visual effects in there, but not over the top. It’s not a Thor type of movie, even though it’s the same director. It has good special effects, but just enough to say, “Wow, where did that come from? How did they do that?”
Dayo Okeniyi recently joined the cast ensemble as the son of Miles Dyson. He will be joined by Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke and Jai Courtney. The little info we could scrape together indicate that the film involves time travel into the future. Directed by Alan Taylor (“Thor: The Dark World”), ‘Terminator: Genesis’ is the first installment in a stand-alone trilogy. The script is written by Laeta Kalogridis (“Shutter Island”) and Patrick Lussier (“Drive Angry”).
‘Terminator: Genesis’ will be released on July 1, 2015.
Check out our “Terminator: Genesis” Archive for more details
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