Something we are all hoping for is a decent comeback for DC considering the number of failed attempts to bring to life some of our favorite characters. recently reported that “Blade II “and “Hellboy” franchise helmer Guillermo del Toro have plans to potentially join the DC Universe at Warner Bros. with an adaptation of “Justice League Dark”. The JLD film is reportedly a go, it all depends on whether the film fits into the studios’ overall plans. DC’s saving grace has come to end with Bale hanging up the cape and the aftermath of the enormous outcry from fans stating their disapproval in a public petition to not have Ben Affleck onboard as Gotham’s finest is still uncalculated.
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The studio is look to expand their horizons, introducing more recognizable characters like The Flash and Wonder Woman
“Man of Steel” has finally placed the studio on the front foot grossing $662,8 million worldwide with mostly favorable reviews, how fans will respond to Affleck’s portrayal of the caped crusader will probably set the tone for the sequel’s performance in the summer of 2015. Hopefully that will not be the case considering the top production team involved and the studios awareness of fans expectations. Unfortunately DC has some ground to cover with Marvel Studios producing eight financially successful feature superhero films since 2008. Since the successful launch of network television series “Marvel: Agents of SHIELD” and the digital streaming event announced earlier this month with Netflix that will feature the “Defenders” miniseries, it is safe to say that Marvel is fully loaded with an arsenal of Superhero awesomeness to dominate the market share. Not to mention “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Ant-Man” and “The Avengers 2” already lined up to storm theaters in time to come

The Justice League Dark originally featured John Constantine, Madame Xanadu, Deadman, Shade, the Changing Man and Zatanna
Coming back to Del Toro’s involvement, his insight and creative efforts is exactly what DC needs to push them in the right direction. The “Pacific Rim” director revealed to that there are no new developments for the JLD film and that Warner Bros. is working on bringing together one cohesive cinematic universe for its DC properties.
He said in an interview:
“We’re still on [Justice League Dark] and writing and hopefully it will happen, but there’s no developments that are new. It’s still at Warners. They are making plans for the entire DC Universe, all the superheroes, all the mythologies, and part of that is Justice League Dark. They’re planning on TV, movies, all the media, so we have to fit within that plan.”
The studio is looking to expand their horizons, introducing more recognizable characters like “The Flash” and “Wonder Woman” first before making any decisions regarding the future of the JLD film. The clock is ticking in the meantime with fans anxiously waiting to see what else is in store.
Watch the interview: