by TheFran | Mar 30, 2023 | Movies & Series |
With Amazon Primes Rings of Power season two still a far away on the horizon, we look ahead to try and get a glimpse of what we can expect. Now that we have the first 3 for the Elves, surely the season will also focus on the next 7? What do we know about the 7 Rings...
by TheFran | Oct 19, 2022 | Movies & Series |
With The Rings of Power season one ending with a lot more drama (or shock?) than we expected, we want to start delving into some of the most intriguing topics and events that occurred during season 1. First up is Mithril. Mithril plays a huge part of season one and...
by TheFran | Jul 23, 2022 | Movies & Series |
We’ve just seen the latest trailer to Amazon’s Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power and boy was it loaded with new information, battles and snippets of what we can expect to see! This trailer certainly doesn’t hold back, and gives us a real look at...
by TheFran | Jun 28, 2022 | Movies & Series, Tolkien |
In the upcoming Amazon Prime Series Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power, Gil-Gald is played by Benajmin Walker. He will play an important role. There are a few Elves of high standing still alive during the Second Age. Elrond and Galadriel we know about but they will...
by TheFran | Jun 22, 2022 | Tolkien |
Just in time for the Amazon Prime series right? Although this is not officially linked to the “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” series by Amazon Prime, the setting of the 2nd age can make this the unofficial book to be read for the series....
by TheFran | Aug 9, 2021 | Movies & Series |
Good evening geeks! So we’ve all seen the image, but have you seen the HD image? Lol. Click below to open in a new window and see the beautiful Valinor in all its glory: Here’s a few facts we know about this image: It’s the Two Trees in the background....
by TheFran | Mar 7, 2021 | Movies & Series |
If you’ve not seen the official synopsis of the new Lord of the Rings series on Amazon Prime then head-over here. Bases on the synopsis is is very likely that the show will start during the lifetime of the 6th King of Numenor: Tar-Aldarion. So if you’ve...
by TheFran | Feb 27, 2021 | Movies & Series |
Good evening geeks! We’ve got some interesting updates on the much anticipated Lord of the Rings series from Amazon Prime. We’ve been keeping tabs on the team and as they are currently in production in Middle- Earth a.k.a. New Zealand we are super stoked...
by TheFran | Jan 21, 2020 | Movies & Series |
As most of you may have heard,Christoper Tolkien died at the age of 95 on January 16 2020. Chistopher was the third son of our beloved author Professor J.R.R. Tolkien, and had spent much of his life honoring his father’s legacy and bringing us so many of the...
by TheFran | Jan 15, 2020 | Movies & Series |
Amazon has enlisted a great big batch of actors to star in the series, which will serve as a prequel of sorts to what we’ve seen thus far in terms of screen adaptation by whim of the dutiful Peter Jackson. Without further ado here they are: If you’ve been keeping your...
by TheFran | Jan 1, 2020 | Movies & Series |
Amazon’s $250 million Lord of the Rings show is set to launch in 2021 (rumored) and as avid Tolkien fan’s we are super hyped! Here’s everything you need to know with regards to the new show details, cast, production and release date. For today we...
by TheFran | Dec 31, 2019 | Movies & Series |
Amazon is taking a huge risk with JD Payne and Patrick McKay being named as the official Lord of the Rings series show-runners. The duo will serve as the series’ executive producers and show-runners. Prior to the news, Payne and McKay’s IMDB pages were relatively...
by TheFran | Jun 7, 2019 | Movies & Series |
We all know Amazon is making a Lord of the Rings series and the interwebs are loaded with new, speculation, lists, “facts” and details about the show. Many of these are mere speculation and nothing more than rumors. So what do we know about this new Lord...