Carrie Trailer Released

Carrie Trailer Released

After already identifying the Carrie Remake as one were not particularly looking forward to, what we’ve seen in the first official trailer may prove otherwise.  Even though we still feel that Carrie should be left alone and spared another Hollywood...
Sharknado, better than Sharktopus!

Sharknado, better than Sharktopus!

People’s fascination with Sharks have always been rather entertaining. Arguably the most feared creature on the planet has seen it’s share of transformations to make it an even deadlier or scarier creature. Remember Sharktopus? This time we’re...
Prepare for “World War Z”

Prepare for “World War Z”

“World War Z” hit the London cinemas on July 2. Londoners lining up at Empire Leicester Square yesterday to watch the action thriller with Brad Pitt depicted as a United Nation employee named Gerry Lane who travels around the world to try and find a cure...