Google Glass – How guys will use it

Google Glass – How guys will use it

The Google Glass prototype first surfaced in mid 2012, and the idea looked absolutely amazing. Imagine wearing a pair of glasses that directly interacts with the internet (Google), you can at any time command it to take a picture (it has a camera), Google something...
Star Wars VS Star Trek Infographic

Star Wars VS Star Trek Infographic

The debate between Star Wars VS Star Trek will probably go on forever and ever. There are few movies which has such a large following comparatively to these 2 franchises. This infographic settles it… in a way. Personally I loved the Stra Trek movies and series...
Apple planing a Smart Watch…iWatch

Apple planing a Smart Watch…iWatch

The rumor mill has been doing the rounds this month, not only is apple planning an iPhablet, a bigger iPhone, but they also seem to be experimenting with a smart watch. I remember when the iPod fatty came out, people could actually buy wrist bands that made the iPod...
Will Nightwish ever find a vocalist?

Will Nightwish ever find a vocalist?

I’ve been a fan of Symphonic Metal band Nightwish fan for a very long time now. I’ve been with them from the beginning, 1997. The band was absolutely stunning. With Tarja as lead vocalist, the band had something special and unique. As strange as it sounded...
Mars Rover hits a snag

Mars Rover hits a snag

I’ve been following the news on the Mars Rover that is scouting Mars since the day it landed. What a successful mission it has been… up to now. The Mars rover has hit its first snag, one of the Rovers two on-board computers became corrupted, and started...