In the first image of Sony Pictures’ “Foxcatcher” a popular comedian stars as real-life John du Pont, who befriended Olympic wrestler brothers Mark and David Schultz before murdering the latter in 1996. Entertainment Weekly unveiled the pic yesterday, look closely now, it’s Steve Carell sporting a prosthetic nose and grey hair. It really took us a while to guess who the actor is based on a little office exercise. The angle of the photo isn’t really helping either, but who can blame us with that huge hook nose and silver foxed hair. Seeing Carell in something like this will really lift his game as a serious contender for coveted roles.
Also see: Channing Tatum Goes Psycho in ‘Foxcatcher’ Trailer
Director Bennett Miller reveals why comedian Carell was chosen to portray the schizophrenic killer:
“Because it’s unexpected,”
“John DuPont was a character who nobody thought was capable of doing something as horrible as he did. I did not want to cast somebody who would feel dangerous in that way.”
Miller added:
“If I say I’m going to make a movie about a guy who’s a schizophrenic murderer, there are probably a dozen actors who would immediately appear on anybody’s casting list. And Steve would not be on any of those lists,”
“I just think there’s a hell of a lot more to Steve than he tends to show.”
The true story of Olympic Wrestling Champion brothers will also star Tatum Channing (Mark Schultz) and Mark Ruffalo (David Schultz). Sienna Miller is introduced as Nancy, who witnessed the murder of her beloved husband.
The film is scheduled to open on December 20 in the U.S.