Sylvester Stallone tweeted the below tweet which got us wondering AGAIN on who will be added to the cast for Expendables 3. Initially we thought that only one main old school actor will be added. But the rumours have been claiming that Milla Jovovich will also join.
Is it possible that the Mad Max star Mel Gibson will join the cast? Can this bee seen as confirmed? I guess we’ll have to wait and see until we get further confirmation.
Gibson’s involvement with the project has been rumoured for some time. At first it looked like he might direct the movie, but then another rumour hit saying that he would be playing the villain. So the fact that Stallone tweeted that out tells me that it’s basically official, otherwise why would he tweet it?
The casting rumours is getting better as the new movie approaches though, initially we hoped we would get Kurt Russel, or even Sigourney Weaver.
But, no doubt Mel Gibson would make an awesome contribution to the already stellar cast!
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