Hot casting rumors have emerged since creator of the anthology crime drama series, Nic Pizzolatto cleared the air regarding the number of characters expected to take the lead for the anticipated second season of “True Detective”. Deadline and The Wrap chimed in with some names to be dropped in the casting hat for the upcoming season. Colin Farrell and Taylor Kitsch are reportedly in talks to join the HBO show, set to take place in California. Deadline says that Farrell is “deep in negotiations to play one” of the “main roles in Season 2”, and The Wrap reports that Kitsch is also an actor earmarked to receive a chance at one of the coveted roles.
* Update: HBO Confirms Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell for ‘True Detective’ Season 2
It is only speculation at this stage with no confirmations received from HBO. We previously mentioned that Metro ran with a story that Brad Pitt was linked to star in the show, but Pizzolatto debunked his involvement. Casting news for the much talked about second season has been lighting up blogs like a Christmas tree. We expect more rumors and speculation since HBO programming president Michael Lombardo said at the Television Critics Association press tour in Beverly Hills on Thursday, July 10, that there would be “well-known names” in the cast list although “[casting stars] wasn’t our ambition.”
Pizzolatto previously revealed that the story set to take place in California will have three leads for the upcoming second season, focusing on “hard women, bad men and the secret occult history of the United States transportation system.”Additional rumors surfaced two weeks ago, suggesting that only one male lead is being considered. Needless to say, the confusing situation left fans with many questions. In a recent interview with The Daily Beast, Pizzolatto debunked reports suggesting one lead is expected, and he also corrected his previous statement that three leads will grace the small screen for the second season.
With no less than four leads planned to take the lead in Pizzolatto anthology crime drama series, casting is set to be completed as early as next week!