The “How I Met Your Mother” spin-off has found its leading lady, Greta Gerwig has officially been cast as Sally in “How I Met Your Dad”. The character list for the new spin-off series was shared online a couple a weeks ago, Sally’s description reads as follows:
“She’s vibrant, messy and unpredictable — a “female Peter Pan who has never grown up and has no idea of where she’s going in life.” She’s thinking of calling it quits with her husband of a year, Gavin. She’ll lean on her circle of friends for advice and support through the inevitable divorce.”
Also see: Meg Ryan Will Narrate ‘How I Met Your Mother’ Spin-Off
* Update: CBS Not Moving Forward with ‘How I Met Your Dad’
Entertainment Weekly also lends a hand to clarify Gerwig’s charahter:
She’ll play Sally, who gradually reveals how she met her partner in flashback. She’s described as “a female Peter Pan who has never grown up and has no idea of where she’s going in life. She has just figured out that she has nothing in common with her husband of less than a year. A break-up is inevitable, but Sally will find a solid circle of support in her friends and family, who are often too willing to give ‘good’ advice that can backfire badly. Meanwhile, Sally must filter out the input and decide what’s best for her.”
“HIMYM” creative team Carter Bays and Craig Thomas will pen the pilot along with “Up All Night” creator Emily Spivey. Also known for her Indie films, Gerwig will also score producer credits on the spin-off show.