“The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water” managed to dethrone the Clint Eastwood-directed “American Sniper” at the North American Box. The biographical war drama was king for third weeks since its release, but the animated movie edged out the Bradly Cooper starring flick. “The SpongeBob Movie” collected a hefty $56 million on its debut weekend followed by “American Sniper” with $24.2 million.
Check out the trailer for “The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water”:
In the latest family hit movie we get to see SpongeBob SquarePants, the world’s favorite sea dwelling invertebrate who finally comes ashore to our world for his most super-heroic adventure yet. The third place is taken by the second newcomer for the week with the Wachowski’s “Jupiter Ascending”. The sci-fi flick starring Channing Tatum, Mila Kunis and Eddie Redmayne among others only managed to collect an estimated $19 million based on a fat $176 million budget.
Fantasy film “Seventh Son” which also made its debut this week takes the fourth spot with $7.1 million . “Paddington”, meanwhile, slips down the chart two rungs to fifth by adding an estimated $5.4 million.
Quick look at the top-grossing pictures in North American theaters, courtesy of Box Office Mojo:
- “The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water” – $56 million
- “American Sniper” – $24.2 million
- “Jupiter Ascending” – $19 million
- “Seventh Son” – $7.1 million
- “Paddington” – $5.4 million
- “Project Almanac” – $5.3 million
- “The Imitation Game” – $4.9 million
- “The Wedding Ringer” – $4.8 million
- “Black or White” – $4.5 million
- “The Boy Next Door” – $4.1 million