The first teaser released for ‘Boardwalk Empire’s Final Season warns that “all empires fall”. The HBO series follows the story of Nucky Thompson (played by Steve Buscemi), the corrupt Republican politician and gangster. Known by many as the undisputed ruler of Atlantic City, he conducts his business with wealthy unscrupulous businessmen like Al Capone, Arnold Rothstein, Chalky White and Dr. Valentin Narcisse who line their pockets with blood money.
With only two months left before the final season kicks off, Buscemi’s Nucky says:
“Tricksters stay alive long enough to cash out,”
The critically acclaimed crime and period drama series will be set during the great depression when all the glitz and glamour of their glory years will be long forgotten. According to Michael K. Williams who portrays Albert “Chalky” White, the final season will flash forward seven years when “the days of the shiny shoes and fancy suits are long gone”.
Also teasing fans with a tagline “No one goes quietly,” The fifth and final season will premiere somewhere in September 2014 on HBO.