Official Batman vs Superman Batsuit and Batmobile (colour added)
With Zack Snyder revealing the look of the Batsuit and Batmobile in the massively anticipated Batman vs. Superman movie in 2016, we immediately recognized the work of Frank Miller as the designer of the Batsuit. This took us back to the original rumors of who will be responsible for the design of the batsuit. The two contenders identified back in November 2013 was Frank Miller, and Jim Lee. Both of them well-known for their comic design of the caped crusader. Jim Lee known for his iconic grey, blue and yellow Batsuit, while Frank Miller owns the more grungier look for Batman, with the blue and grey suit, adding the impressive exoskeleton armor enhanced by Kryptonite.
Rumors at that stage agreed that Frank Millers Batman for the animated series Batman: The Dark Knight Returns would be used.
After seeing the suit (above) we have to agree that there seems to be influences from both Jim Lee and Frank Miller. Unfortunately the photo is in black and white, but thanks to Joshua Adams we now have this image in colour. Clearly this shows influences by both of the legendary artists.
We took the liberty of posting more Batman vs Superman Batsuit images from the designs of Frank Miller and Jim Lee. This is what we believe would be what can come to expect from the official Batman look in Batman vs. superman. Zack Snyder and co. are obviously using their work for he Batsuit, so naturally these are the types of images we can expect in the movie.
Which one do you prefer? Frank Miller or Jim Lee?