It’s been one month after HearthStone’s out of Beta, and we have our official ranked play ladder rankings. These are the best players currently in the world (Divided into North America and Europe)! We will be updating our ladder as usual, with an attempt to have the most updated, relevant ladder list around.
We should still see a significant change in rankings over the next few seasons, before things start to stabilize. We’ll be keeping track of the top 10’s progression over the next seasons as well. The top 16 Legend players in the Americas region also qualify to participate in the Hearthstone Americas Qualifier Tournament! This tournament will ultimately decide the four players that will represent the Americas region at the Hearthstone World Championships live at BlizzCon!
For more information on the Hearthstone World Championships, please check out this blog here.
HearthStone Season 1 Top Player Rankings
Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe
- Lifecoach
- Neirea
- Kolento
- Erom
- Dreamore667
- ThijsNL
- NaSoMaNiAC
- NabUttE
- TheFallen
- Gravesh
- Xixo
- Bhinde
- Forsen
- Wandal
- Dethelor
- Ivan89
- thefishou
- Arhwest
- PythOn
- Denom
- genjei
- boku1984
- Darkwonyx
- Ender
- tOssyy
- m1ssf0xyiio7
- Ramaya
- nutshell
- Derigaaz
- GuardsmanBob
- bonkers
- Yogg
- Fnoop
- Konti
- Shakalets
- HolLó
- unwi
- Kunzi
- BootyHunter
- Turtledash
- Savjz
- Garrickz
- Aralegi
- wtk300
- Grubi
- Seeker
- Seloko
- Loveckysalam
Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America
- Imamurgl
- hyp3d
- hyped
- Admirable
- mitjdw
- Alchemixt
- Failfellow
- BoLiN
- BwaMu
- Abaporu
- prodigy
- backspace
- LuigEzz
- Realz
- Firebat
- Freshca
- Akogare
- bma
- puffin
- Strelzik
- Chakki
- kitkatz
- Kolento
- Hafu
- Xixo
- DeVoTeD
- Snape
- Vinses
- Stoyven
- Sa10
- zRusheR
- Ðart
- StrifeCro
- LuckerDog
- Specter
- Imkirok
- heroux
- Bounds
- playet
- SilentStorm
- Strider
- mackerel
- TheCatsMeow
- Razor
- NotoriousBIG
- Dennis
- DestructEv
- B4llzDeep
- Ignite
- Ssambas
Beta Test Season [2013-Jan 2014]
Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America
- XzaM (Up from 2)
- Bowles
- bma (Same)
- Realz
- Kageno (Up from 7)
- paradise
- Chakki
- zRusheR (Up from 27)
- kitkatz (Down from 5)
- aRty (Down from 8)
- LuigEzz (Down from 9)
- StrifeCro (Down from 9)
- Jez (Down from 12)
- Hòme (Down from 13)
- Daggermouth (Down from 14)
- reckful (Down from 16)
- Ramalama (Down from 17)
- Vylo
- slychin (Down from 18)
- Savjz
- Wenselaas (Up from 36)
- realmage (Down from 21)
- Barbalel (Down from 22)
- blueblurr (Down from 23)
- chalobisbal
- Saccharine (Down from 26)
- lzyjam (Same)
- igoaf
- Dirtydeeds
- Phi (Down from 24)
- oatmealent (Up from 40)
- Wampie
- Rorix (Down from 33)
- Xavier (Down from 34)
- indY
- madtimmy (Down from 35)
- SexGoblin
- Elfflame (Down from 38)
- hoodrych (Up from 41)
- Trelly
- fyrst
- boydy
- Vinny
- Zansetsu (Down from 43)
- unholy
- Hosty
- Sam
- Bete
Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe
- Segismundo
- Kalle
- GreenPlant
- Mandros
- rerre
- Scarx
- SensoR
- KhayN
- Ostkaka
- Yliajo
- Ekop
- Necx
- maximgi
- Gravesh
- Necro
- maultasch
- YanGG
- scarrr
- Lothar
- Pheldda
- Kolento
- JohnCooper
- Tobi
- tomof
- Dotzgie
- Mossee
- Wuaschtsemme
- Spiritedaway
- NaSoMaNiAC
- Wampie
- Lelouch
- Blooddragon
- DiZ
- DecaPod
- Луче
- GoblinWelder
- FallinSky
- Setzer
- Airbrushed
- san82
- JLHEnt
- Dawidowski
- Bimbz
- Nepho
- Tony
- Spo
- Dragon
- Cicak
- DrEaX
- ThePet
Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America
- StrifeCro
- XzaM
- bma
- hyped
- kitkatz
- KingSkyWing
- Kageno
- aRty
- LuigEzz
- Smuft
- Monkey
- Jez
- Hòme
- Daggermouth
- Varranis
- reckful
- Ramalama
- slychin
- Kithros
- TheMe
- realmage
- Barbalel
- blueblurr
- Phi
- SuShi
- Saccharine
- zRusheR
- lzyjam
- ReD
- Ender
- waitinthecar
- NicJam
- Rorix
- Xavier
- madtimmy
- Wenselaas
- iCeS
- Elfflame
- Razarz
- oatmealent
- hoodrych
- Trump
- Zansetsu
- Admirable
- Elanshin
- Snooky
- Bryan
- PoorUser
- apDrop
- Ksapa
- reynad
- zGGLeoz
- HummyHero
- Zeys
- Roquefire
- adyb
- Bobthetroll
- tricksta
- doomdg
- paradise
- Implication
- Zoombuh
- Atlanta
- Philo
- yiminnb
- Ironhead
- Exactable
- Sutty
- yuri
- TreebornFrog
- Xctu
- RubinZoo
- darknightmo
- bigraidlord
- Realz
- Status
- Forge
- Sephra
- puffin
- Rastaelmo
- BoLiN
- dessi
- Iksar
- Bofur
- mitjdw
- okComputer
- Strivers
- Rngezus
- Farmacist
- fyrst
- Chronnox
- Supernova
- Savjz
- Ðart
- KissHugLove
- dengxu
- xiayi
- Proxy
- Trucks
Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe
- Segismundo
- Kalle
- GreenPlant
- Lifecoach
- Pemmin
- Xixo
- Guldor
- KhayN
- Scarx
- Innerlol
- Necx
- Max
- Gravesh
- Mexxlo
- scarrr
- Ekop
- Lothar
- Pheldda
- Bestmarmotte
- tjenatjena
- Leps
- Yliajo
- Spiritedaway
- AAblues
- MaNzAnUKi
- maultasch
- Kolento
- JohnCooper
- Wampie
- Lelouch
- Blooddragon
- GoblinWelder
- DecaPod
- buffi
- Airbrushed
- Dawidowski
- Bimbz
- Tony
- Dragon
- Swartosbrush
- Dotzgie
- Gnimsh
- Aeko
- Andrea
- Nepho
- SensoR
- Nyhx
- Setzer
- Mandros
- Ivan89
- mkr
- AceofSpades
- Bloodlips
- KeeHo
- JLHEnt
- bkbgrnrjefek
- copo
- Gab
- Skunkzy
- Thalai
- bibber2765
- nevermore
- Widowmaker
- jussius
- cecicup
- Lockas
- FallinSky
- Nylaxina
- Milithium
- TrippyWormS
- IRAlukardo
- buddi
- Ness
- ManuS
- Alves
- spiN
- TikkiTavi
- Kerber
- Bibilicious
- Tyranastrasz
- julsn
- dryidko
- rajta
- groovyskillz
- wtk300
- SonG
- Kreati
- Milan
- d3javu
- Via
- Calmon
- Mats
- Dieck
- Tobi
- Serpid
- xinfyz
- Morrison
- LeMonkeyFace
- Accu
- Cipher
- Honesty
Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America
- Savjz (Up 12)
- Comber
- weet (Down 1)
- Shapis (Down 1)
- Ryda (Down 1)
- Railed (Down 5)
- gadm7 (Up 5)
- Wavelet
- SuperSB (Up 6)
- Kithros (Up 33)
- Mod
- zykon (Down 4)
- Picklz
- Dekar (Up 5)
- watlok (Up 1)
- Fjord
- curi
- Kberry
- zShock (Down 13)
- memz
- Xuan
- Sylas (Down 5)
- Auren
- nomainous (Down 6)
- Moochero (Same)
- Cousy
- XzaM
- Sandwhale
- Amercnidiot (Up 5)
- Bluewolf (Down 21)
- SpaceCowboy
- aname
- Tovalkin
- Dayoni
- Drakolich
- Leeamus
- Leahcim (Down 7)
- Reddie
- Jez
- Philo
- Vyril (Down 10)
- fixate
- Xanaclu
- Mundungu
- TheBawse
- JoonHyuk
- CrowbarMatt
- Strings (Down 6)
Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe
- Cipher
- Borostiliont
- Adzik (Same)
- icy
- JesusNails
- R0NNYN (Down 5)
- Suezay
- Beeblebrox
- Nyhx
- WhySoSkilled (Up 36)
- Felyndra
- StarSh1ne
- Nether
- Деамонда (Up 34)
- THQQ (Down 6)
- Manni
- Syntaxx
- Barrier (Down 10)
- balooni
- lopolop
- Savjz
- Njonjic
- Cassie (Up 6)
- Orsm
- Aramore (Down 19)
- Und3R
- asdasdas
- peffko (Down 12)
- Natath
- Crux (Down 20)
- ryo
- Hcrush
- Inkalm (Down 26)
- Madrac00n
- Fade
- Fei
- Mysias
- Ober
- Lurtzer
- Venya
- Wargos
- zmef (Down 20)
- Dashiva
- Margras (Down 17)
- Malkav3
- Foffo
- Masho
- kanytu
- randomScrub
- tritestuff
Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America
- Railed
- weet
- Shapis
- Ryda
- XzaM
- zShock
- Solace
- zykon
- – Twitch:
- – Twitter: @im_zykon
- TheManBomb
- Bluewolf
- bertu
- gadm7
- BanderitaUSA
- – Class: Druid
- – Profile link
- – Druid Deck Guide
- Sukoshi
- SuperSB
- watlok
- Sylas
- nomainous
- Dekar
- TheoConfidor
- StrifeCro
- Bohemond
- Twisted
- Exactable
- Moochero
- Puree
- Oeberon
- Caide
- spOh
- shubei
- Leahcim
- Zamga
- Vyril
- Isoul
- Amercnidiot
- Kurumi
- Morlu
- Pariah
- Arev
- CrowbarMatt
- Strings
- Bzariah
- Kithros
- Catnis
- Ryuzilla
- Torunscar
- Unclephilip
- Toyz
- zealot
- Justin
Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe
- kolemoen
- Adzik
- Brzost
- Felyndra
- Aramore
- Inkalm
- Barrier
- Crux
- StarSh1ne
- Woop
- Savjz
- Subutai
- Lowneil
- peffko
- poet
- Ekop
- Magetha
- Notausgang
- Asha
- zmef
- QnRA
- Jaklie
- Cricetola
- Suezay
- Margras
- Mefisto
- Cassie
- Foffo
- SmoothCrime
- Serge
- Hurrixd
- weak4
- NightyDevil
- ImWicked
- Zephyre
- Pain5991
- Leloluch
- Twi
- Eury
- RandomH
- Schorenda
- Dorim
- WhySoSkilled
- Minty
- BitZi
- Деамонда
- Milan