Michael B. Jordan is at the centre of the latest casting controversy since the 27-year-old actor has been given the opportunity to portray Johnny Storm a.k.a Human Torch. It is unrealistic for us to expect that nobody will comment on the recent casting announcements for the “Fantastic Four” Reboot. Studios are always faced with the difficult task of living up to fan expectations when it comes to selecting the “perfect” cast ensemble for a comic book movie. “Man of Steel 2” has seen its fair share of controversial casting announcements and fan ridicule. The “Remove Ben Affleck” petition is a sure sign of the passion fanboys have for comic book big screen adaptations. The big elephant in the room with Jordan’s announcement is the fact that his character is related to Sue Storm a.k.a The Invincible Woman. Fans are concerned with storyline rewrites to cater for the interracial siblings.

Michael B. Jordan is best known for his roles as teenage drug dealer Wallace on the HBO drama television series The Wire
Jordan addressed the controversies during a press conference in Rome recently:
“You kinda know going into it that people are used to seeing something one way, it’s a continuity thing more than anything. People don’t like change too much.”
“You just kinda accept it, it is what it is. You can’t make everybody happy. You just gotta accept that and know. I’m an actor, I have to do my job. I’m going to do my job the best I can and the way I’ve been doing it my entire life, my entire career.”
Jordan takes pride in the fact that while growing up he use to geek out reading comic books:
“I grew up a comic book guy, I read comic books as a kid growing up, and the Fantastic Four/Human Torch is one of my favorite characters so I’m going to give it my everything. I can’t wait. I don’t really let it bother me at all. I just want to go into it and do the best job I can. We’ll see what happens.”
He also says he is planning on having fun with the role:
“The Human Torch is, ‘yknow, that’s fun. That’s going to be a good time…To play a superhero? That’s dreams coming true. It’s not going to be hard. It’s going to be fun to kind of show a side of me that I don’t really get to show on screen, to be a little bit lighter, funnier, just more personality. It’s going to be fun.”
Jordan will co-star with Miles Teller who is in talks to portray Reed Richards a.k.a. Mr. Fantastic. Jordan and Teller also shared the screen recently with Zac Efron in “That Awkward Moment”. Kate Mara is tapped to play his on-screen sister Sue Storm a.k.a The Invincible Woman and Jamie Bell will play Ben Grimm a.k.a The Thing.
Based on the comic “The Ultimate Fantastic Four,” the contemporary update will focus on the characters as young men and women. The film will follow the foursome who gained superpowers after exposure to cosmic rays during a scientific mission to outer space. “X-Men: Days of Future Past” scribe Simon Kinberg is hired to pen script.
The Josh Trank directed ‘Fantastic Four’ flick is set to be released on June 19, 2015.
* “Man of Steel” helmer Zack Snyder addressed the masses recently concerning the casting selections for his anticipated sequel. Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Ben Affleck (Batman) and Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor) are still under fire for being cast in their respective roles.
Additional Source: comingsoon.net