Jimmy Kimmel’s “After the Oscars” special which aired on Sunday, March 2, features four hilarious faux movie trailers filled with top-notch A-list Hollywood stars. The clips featured on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”, and is cleverly pieced together as an adaptation from “popular YouTube videos into big-budget Hollywood movies.”
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Check out the trailers!
“Bitman Begins”
The Christopher Nolan Batman-esque take on “Charlie Bit Me” centres the rivalry between the characters of Australian actors Chris and Liam Hemsworth. The twisted little story started with a bite and escalates to a bitter end with both of them falling off the rooftop of a building. The faux trailer also features Meryl Streep as their mother and Tom Hanks is also seen dressed as a monk.
“Sweet Brown: Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That”
“Sweet Brown” stars Queen Latifah as the titular character in the second faux trailer which pokes fun at the viral video “Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That”. Sweet Brown reminds people that life is for the taking and remember, “Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That”. Brown inspires a young Barack Obama portrayed by Barkhad Abdi to run for president and she assists Steve Jobs (Adam Driver) to begin his famous company. The real Sweet Brown is featured at the of the trailer while interrupting Matt Damon in “his most important deleted scene yet.”
The third clip features a star-studded line-up which includes the likes of Christoph Waltz, Kevin Spacey, Gary Oldman, Ben Kingsley, Mandy Patinkin and Abbie Cornish. The A-list cast took part in “Ameowdeus”, a spoof on “Keyboard Cat”, “Hamster on a Piano” and “Dramatic Chipmunk” where Spacey takes over the Keyboard duties from Amadeus Cat. Even Kimmel got in on the action appearing as Dramatic Chipmunk. Waltz stars as Spacey’s nemesis, Hamster on a Piano.
“David After Dentist Double Rainbow Oh My God! in 3D”
Based on “David After Dentist” and “Double Rainbow”, the final clip features Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Catherine Zeta-Jones in “David After Dentist: Double Rainbow Oh My God”. Levitt portrays David , a boy who doesn’t know if he’s in real life after anesthesia. The “3D musical hallucination” alos features Seth Rogen as the superhero and Samuel L. Jackson as the dentist.
Source: thewrap.com