This is the best way to celebrate the “Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition” launch today! Lena Lara is a cosplayer, model and media designer from Germany. She is one of the best Lara Croft cosplay girls we have ever seen! The young lady has a passion for “modeling, sewing and creating costumes”
She says:
“A long time people used to call me an artist, nerd and gamer. I would say I’m a dreamer and I’m always focused on doing something productive to come close to that dreams. Cosplay and modeling is my way to express it.”
Also see:
- Cosplay Girls
- Brazilian Cosplay Hottie Shermie As Lara Croft
- Jessica Nigri – Most Popular Cosplay Girl
- Jessica Nigri – Lollipop Chainsaw Cosplay
“Tomb Raider” fans lucky enough to own a next-gen console should head on over to the nearest gaming store and pick up a copy of the digitally remastered version which has been officially lanced today. The next-gen update will improve Lara’s character model, the environments will also receive the required attention to bring things up to speed with the new-gen consoles, and we can expect the DLC from the original version to be included.
“Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition” is one of our Top 10 Most Anticipated Next-Gen Games of 2014
Lena Lara’s links:
Let’s have a look at some her best Lara Croft Cosplay: