Geekshizzle reported earlier this month that the movie studios are exploring the possibilities of expanding The Spider-Man cinematic universe. This is very exciting stuff especially with Sony’s big announced earlier today, that Venom will receive the spin-off treatment. The second big announcement involves the future big screen release which includes the Sinister Six. Jamie Foxx once teased us with the possibility of introducing the infamous Sinister Six to spice up the villain dynamic for our web swinging hero.
Also see: ‘Amazing Spider-Man 2′ Will Set Up ‘Sinister Six’
The spin-offs will be developed by Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Jeff Pinkner, Ed Solomon and Drew Goddard. Kurtzman, Orci and Solomon will team up to write the screenplay for “Venom (2017)”, which Kurtzman will direct.
Also see: Awesome Unofficial Short Film: Ryan Kwanten as “Venom”
Doug Belgrad, president of Columbia Pictures, and Hannah Minghella, president of Production for the studio, says in a statement announcing the projects:
“The Spider-Man film franchise is one of our studio’s greatest assets. We are thrilled with the creative team we have assembled to delve more deeply into the world that Marc, Avi and Matt have begun to explore in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ and ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’. We believe that Marc, Alex, and Drew have uniquely exciting visions for how to expand the Spider-Man universe in each of these upcoming films.”
Arad and Tolmach add:
“This collaboration was born out of the great experience we and Marc had working with Alex, Bob, and Jeff on ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2′. With more than fifty years’ wealth of stories in the comic books to draw upon for inspiration, the Spider-Man universe is truly boundless; in addition, the Spider-Man comics have the greatest rogues gallery of any series, and to have the chance to explore that on film is truly thrilling.”
“Until now, we have approached each film as a separate, self-contained entity, but with this move, we have the opportunity to grow the franchise by looking to the future as we develop a continuous arc for the story,” they continue. “That is what Alex, Bob, Jeff, Ed, and Drew will do in this unprecedented collaboration, and we’re excited about the directions they are taking the character and the world.”
No release date has been set just yet, Geekshizzle will keep you posted. In the meantime we can expect Marc Webb’s “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” to hit theatres on May 2, 2014