DC is making additional efforts to establish a multi-character superhero universe. The super hero giant is putting plans in place to introduce “mid-range” DC heroes aimed to take on lower-budget movies according to a recent report by Bleeding Cool. “Suicide Squad” has been mentioned as an example as one of the smaller comics to take shape for the silver screen. Bleeding Cool also ran a story earlier this week indicating that Warner Bros. is developing “a series of lower-prominence comic books” for “relatively lower budget movies” that would cost approximately $20-40 million to beef up their market share. Plans for a “Suicide Squad” movie (as far as we can remember) have been discussed for more than a couple of years now. ‘Booster Gold,’ ‘Deathstroke’, ‘Team 7′ and the Joseph Gordon-Levitt ‘Sandman’ movie has also been mentioned as rumored projects to come down the line.
Also see: 7 Anticipated DC Comic Book Movies till 2018

The Suicide Squad is a team of imprisoned super-villains who perform high-risk missions for the U.S. Government in exchange for commuted sentences. They are formally known as Task Force X
The first thing that comes to mind is how DC will manage to pull this off considering their reputation for under delivering over the last couple of years? Bleeding Cool also mentioned a while back that David Goyer (He wrote “The Crow: City Of Angels,”Nick Fury: Agent Of SHIELD,” “Blade I, II and III,” “Man of Steel,” “Batman Begins and Dark Knight Rises”) will be joining the fight to bring DC up to speed. Goyer is already taking on the huge demand, helming Geoff Johns‘“Sandman” movie. DC’s next big project will see Batman and Superman together on the big screen for the first time. No official casting news has been made available for the Batman and Superman crossover film, which started filming last month. Henry Cavill will reprise his role as Superman and Ben Affleck will make his debut as the caped crusader. “Man of Steel 2″ will hit theaters on July 17, 2015.

Written by New York Times best-selling author Neil Gaiman, “Sandman” was the most acclaimed comic book title of the 1990s
“Blade II “and “Hellboy” franchise helmer Guillermo del Toro have plans to potentially join the DC Universe at Warner Bros. He revealed in an interview that Warner Bros. is working on bringing together one cohesive cinematic universe for its DC properties. The studio is looking to expand their horizons, introducing more recognizable characters like “The Flash” and “Wonder Woman” first before making any decisions regarding the future of the JLD film.