“Sesame Street” parodies the highly-anticipated ‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ while attempting to teach kids about food-centric puzzles and lessons in finding patterns. The newly-debuted clip titled “The Hungry Games: Catching Fur,” features Cookie Monster as Cookieness Evereat who is the unfortunate volunteer who joins “The Hungry Games”.

Outfitted with a black wig styled with a braid, Cookie Monster comes out as the winner and is soon back for the second edition joined by a pita bread (a spoof of Josh Hutcherson’s Peeta), Finnicky (Sam Claflin’s Finnick) and Tick Tock (a parody of Amanda Plummer’s Wiress).


Cookiness says looking into the camera during one of the challenges:

“Being strong heroine of entire franchise hard work,”

Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson will reprise their roles as the title characters in  ‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’.

The second installment of the blockbuster franchise is set to be released on November 22.