Is there a secret beer can throwing society we don’t know about? This is the second incident in a matter of weeks where a performing artists is struck by a beer can. The latest victim Azealia Banks, was in the middle of performing her hit, “ATM Jam” at Melbourne’s Listen Out Festival on October 5, when an audience member threw a can of beer in her direction.The 22-year-old singer, immediately dropped her microphone and walked off the stage.
Listen Out released a statement regarding the incident:
“Azealia Banks was forced to cut her set short last night at the Listen Out Festival in Melbourne on 5th October 2013,”
“This was as a result of a member of the audience throwing a full can of beer at her on stage.”
“The incident made Azealia and her stage crew feel unsafe. Banks would like to apologize to those fans in the audience whose experience was affected by the behavior of one individual,”
Banks did however apologize on Twitter, writing:
“Sorry to all the festival-goers in Melbourne !!!!! See ya tomorrow in Brisbane !!!!!”
The Brisbane show went as planned according to Banks, she tweeted:
“Brisbane went smoothly. No one threw any cans at my head.”
Texas rapper Riff Raff did not manage to dodge his accurate can thrower at Ohio University recently. He was so upset he left the stage saying ““F**king throw a can on me? For real, I’m done,”
Check out the incident