There are two new potential working titles in the mix for J.J. Abrams’ “Star Wars Episode 7” as cited by George Lucas had two titles in mind before he sold LucasFilm to Disney, “Rise of the Jedi” and “Return of the Sith” have been revealed as possible titles for the new film.
Lucas’ son Jett recently said that his father is still involved in the project, however it is unconfirmed if Abrams decided to keep the titles as an option.
Jett said:
“He’s constantly talking to J.J. Obviously J.J. was handpicked,” Jett said. “[He] is there to guide, whenever, he’ll help where he can. At the same time, he wants to let it go and become its new generation.”
A report published last month by revealed the first rumored title for the upcoming movie. “Star Wars Episode 7: A New Dawn” is way too close to the infamous “Breaking Dawn” we “love” so much. Anyway, “Episode 7” is slated for a 2015 release.
“Episode 7” will also serve as the start to a new trilogy, with “Star Wars Episode 8” following in 2017 and “Star Wars Episode 9” in 2019.