If science fiction is your thing, then this list will bring back some pretty good memories. We’ve all seen them in movies and television shows. They are some of the hottest woman ever that not only looked the part, but gave us some of the best depictions of our beloved science fiction characters. Most of these woman end up on posters and centre folds that proudly adorn a bedroom wall, or a man cave door. The ultimate geek obsessions. Compiling such as list is always open for debate, and no doubt we’ve left out some of your favourite geek-obsessed sci-fi woman. But, we had to narrow it down. So without further a due, here’s our top 15 hottest woman in Sci-Fi (In no particular order):
Also see:
1. Princess Leia – Star Wars
An obvious one, and probably one of our first obsessions. Princess Leia was played by the beautiful Carrie Fisher. The lover of Han Solo, cinnamon bun hair, and the infamous bikini. After 40 years she is still the centre of just about every Geek convention regarding cosplaying. That alone says more than any other contender can.
2. Seven of Nine – Star Trek: Voyager
Jeri Ryan played a semi-restored Borg Voyager officer. We watched her week after week in that ribbed spandex unitard. The fact that she’s built like a minx doesn’t hurt at all. Back then Seven of Nine was as good and as hot as it got.
3. LeeLoo – The Fifth Element
The super revealing outfit together with one of the hottest woman alive made this a no-brainer. Milla Jovovich continued her geek-obsession with her role in the Resident: Evil movies. In Fifth Element she can take down a room full of dog-faced aliens to the sounds of space opera. She is the living embodiment of the Fifth Element, love. The bonus is she speaks with an accent. “Multipass!”
4. Echo – Dollhouse
Eliza Dushku is a woman who can be reprogrammed to be the perfect woman for any man. This was an awesome series that was unfortunately cut short. We would have loved to see more. Luckily Eliza can be seen in other Sci-Fi shows. Remember True Calling, and her role in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Before we move on, we felt Dichen Lachman who played Sierra in this series is a worthy mention. She is both stunning and stunningly capable. Fast, agile and deadly, arguably the most beautiful of the dolls in the dollhouse
5. Sil – Species
Natasha Henstridge plays a deadly half-human, half-alien hybrid. Sil was created in a lab when S.E.T.I. received instructions from space on how to splice human and alien DNA. All Sil wants to do is mate, and with Natasha playing the role, all the geek-obsessed boxes are ticked!
6. River Tam – Firefly/Serenity
Summer Glau deserves to be on this list not only for her roles in Firefly/Serenity, but also for being an ass kicking Terminator in The Sarah Connor Cronicles. And if there’s one thing that shows up again and again when studying the sexiness of Sci-Fi women, it’s ass-kickery. One moment your lost in her beautiful brown eyes, the next she’ll break you in two!
7. Number 6 – Battlestar Galactica
If we had a #1 on this list then Tricia Helfer would be it. Yet this list is not ordered, as we are paying homage to all of the hot ass-kicking Sci-Fi woman out there. Number 6’s multiple versions on the cult show Battlestar Galactica is what carries much of the appeal. A total bad girl. A sexy seductress. An intimate confidante. An icy brain box. A super strong warrior. A sensitive would-be mother. Balthar is one lucky guy. She is painfully hot. Was it even legal to show this character on TV back then?
Also See: Tricia Helfer Playboy shoot [NSFW]

Tricia Helfer as Number 6
8. Kara Thrace – Battlestar Galactica
Katee Sackhoff plays Starbuck, a pilot that can not only kick your ass but also drink you out under the table. She’s a bad girl fighting on the side of good. She’s a total mess, likes it rough and is, in short, dangerous to be around. Add her sex appeal to all of this and you have one awesome geek obsession. Remember the episode of Big Bang Theory she played in?
9. Mystique – X-Men
What is the only way you get a super hot naked chick into a PG rated movie? You paint her blue and put some layers of make-up on. Rebecca Romijn plays the role of shape-shifter Mystique. As far as scaly, blue chicks go, Mystique takes the cake, and that’s before you factor in that she’s capable of shape-shifting into pretty much anybody you can imagine. Oh, we almost forgot to mention that she modelled for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue as well as Victoria’s Secret.
10. Persephone – The Matrix
Boy was this an unexpected surprise. Persephone is a badass character played by model and Italian Goddess Monica Bellucci. Her outfits are only second to the beautiful, exotic woman inside them. The director could have just made her cold and dangerous, but Persephone is also sensitive to love, and that makes her warmer and all the more attractive. Pity we have not much more Sci-Fi material to see her in. If you’re looking for more of Monica Bellucci then Google is your friend!

Monica Bellucci as Persephone
11. Sally Solomon – 3rd Rock from the Sun
This is an ‘oldish’ one as well, but boy did we enjoy Kristen Johnston as Sally Solomon. She’s 3rd Rock’s resident military expert and tactician. Incredibly sexy, but not wanting to be, and then discovering the woman inside and embracing her while still being able to break your arm. The resulting character is frequently goofy and often unaware of her own beauty and sexuality. Which makes you believe you could actually get such a girl.
12. Nova – Planet Of The Apes
This is going back quite some time, and few will remember Linda Harrison in Planet of the Apes. One thing Charlton Heston discovered is that while apes evolved to become the dominant species on Earth, humans evolved a definite hotness. And who needs brains and tools when you’ve got hotness of Linda Harrison on your side? A million years of evolution can’t be wrong.
13. Borg Queen – Star Trek: First Contact
Why not add a bit of variety to this list. Obsession after all is in the eye of the beholder. The Borg Queen is CREEPY sexy, but it counts. She’s a nightmarish cyborg creature out to assimilate the whole of humanity. Alice Krige imbues her with innate sexiness. One kiss from her is the entire collective oozing down your throat. Resistance is futile.
14. Buffy Summers – Buffy The Vampire Slayer
A hot woman that can kick your ass. Sarah Michelle Gellar is the definition of vampire hunter. Her sweet and sexy looks are easily overlooked (okay not that easily) when all we see is a strong skilled killer that can take down anything from a vampire, to a demon, to pretty much the worst thing that the pits of hell can summon.
15. Neytiri – Avatar
Zoe Saldana plays a blue, seven-foot-tall, Pandoran hottie. The exotic Neytiri roams the forests of Pandora wearing only shreds of animal hyde and seems more than willing to become your life partner if only you can master the illusive, massive, flying dragon. We look forward to see her in the upcoming Avatar movies.
Notable Mentions:
- Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen – The Hunger Games
- Katherine Pierce – The Vampire Diaries
- Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala – Star Wars (Epipsode 1,2,3)
Denise Richards as Capt. Carmen Ibanez – Starship Troopers
Also See:
??? Where’s Jessica from Logan’s Run? How about Linda Hamilton from Terminator 2?
We’re not too sure about Linda Hamilton, but Jessica may be a worthy addition to the list!
I have to question the sexuality of whoever came up with this list. Jennifer Lawrence and Denise Richards only get honorable mention? Milla Jovovich is sexy? Ugly aliens are sexy?
Not a big fan of Milla?
Zoe Graystone (Alessandra Toressani) from Caprica, too!
Yup, we remember Zoe, pity we didn’t get to see much of her in it though. We would have loved to see a season 2 though…