I was wondering when an incident of this nature will make headlines. Brothers Richard and Adam Johnson were singing an operatic version of “The Impossible Dream” when Natalie Holt (backup violinist), got up from her chair and rushed through the singing duet smiling, whilst she unleashed the wrath of the egg tray she kept well hidden. Simon Cowell was calm about the situation, removing his egg covered jacket to continue the show.


Natalie Holt “letting loose” the tray of eggs

A Britain’s Got Talent representative released a statement after the incident saying:

“Natalie Holt was part of the backing group for their performance, and as a result of her misguided actions the police were called. However, we have decided to take no further action at this stage.”


Simon Cowell removing the egg covered jacket


Holt competed on the show with Raven Quartet back in 2012, she had the following to say about  her actions:

“I took a stand against people miming on TV and against Simon Cowell and his dreadful influence on the music industry.”

One can only imagine the security checks going forward, perhaps a screening process and full cavity search will be done to ensure all would be egg throwers are eliminated from embarrassing on stage incidents.


Natalie Holt, known for her egg throwing skills since the incident