Red Letter Media made a name for themselves a few years ago with their epic takedown of George Lucas’ Star Wars prequels, and now they’re back with a new video review of Gareth Edwards’ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Using the parody persona Mr. Plinkett, the YouTubers diss the movie for its lack of memorable characters, low emotional stakes, and uninspired story.
I don’t fully agree with their point about context, because at some point you have to realize this is a part of a larger franchise and not every single story can be self-contained. The problem, of course, is that this movie was hyped as a “standalone” story, and it absolutely is not. You must possess knowledge of what happens in A New Hope for any plot development here to be even remotely satisfying, and I totally agree with RLM’s assessment of the murky motivations of the movie’s unmemorable characters.
What do you think?
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