Comic book geeks can prepare themselves for a “Star Wars” comic book series under the Marvel umbrella. Lucasfilm and Marvel will partner to release the new graphic novels. Marvel distabuted the first “Star Wars” comic back in the 70s and later jumped to Dark Horse which released the story ever since. We can expect a new title for the 2015 release with the comic book franchise moving back to Marvel.

Lucasfilm franchise publishing director Carol Roeder says:

“Dark Horse Comics published exceptional Star Wars comics for over 20 years, and we will always be grateful for their enormous contributions to the mythos, and the terrific partnership that we had,”

“In 2015, the cosmic adventures of Luke, Han, Leia and Chewbacca will make the lightspeed jump back to Marvel, to begin a new age of adventures within the Star Wars universe.”


Marvel distabuted the first “Star Wars” comic back in the 70s and later jumped to Dark Horse

Marvel’s exec Dan Buckley adds:

“We here at Marvel could not be more excited to continue the publication of Star Wars comic books and graphic novels. The perennial brand of Star Wars is one of the most iconic in entertainment history and we are honored to have the opportunity to bring our creative talent pool to continue, and expand Star Wars into galaxies far, far away.”

“Star Wars” comics will continue to be released by Dark Horse through 2014. The company’s founder Mike Richardson says:

“It is ironic that this announcement comes at a time when Dark Horse is experiencing its most successful year ever,”

“For obvious reasons, we have prepared for this eventuality by finding new and exciting projects to place on our schedule for 2015 and beyond.”
