Evil Dead is a 2013 American horror film co-written and directed by Fede Alvarez. It is a stand-alone sequel to Sam Raimi’s 1981 critically acclaimed cult horror film The Evil Dead. It is the fourth installment of The Evil Dead franchise, and the first not to be directed by Raimi.


“Evil Dead” movie poster

Five friends head to a remote cabin, where the discovery of a Book of the Dead leads them to unwittingly summon up demons living in the nearby woods. The evil presence possesses them until only one is left to fight for survival.

From what I have seen an extra pair of clean underwear will be required from the early trailers released! This will scare the crap out of you!

This is one of the most anticipated and blogged about horror film in years! There are talks of a sequel, at the premiere event at SXSW, Alvarez announced that a sequel to Evil Dead is in the works

[Full review – www.rottentomatoes.com]

Check out:


The Necronomicon, or book of the dead


Screen capture: The Joker would be proud


Screen capture: This is only the start to the gore fest

 Watch the trailers: