by TheMac | Sep 10, 2014 | Artists, Slider, Top of Geek |
We know that Halloween is only until next month, but we are already scouting the net for some awesome Halloween makeup ideas. We stumbled upon Elsa Rhae’s YouTube channel which happens to showcase some of the best makeup we have ever seen. The talented artists creates...
by TheFran | Aug 6, 2014 | Movies & Series |
The more footage we see from the new Gotham series, the more excited we get. We already know that The Joker is considered as the ‘Crown Jewel’ in the new Gotham series, but the promo released Yesterday confirmed it when we received our first hint at The...
by TheFran | Jul 24, 2013 | Movies & Series |
We all know Mark Hamill as Jedi Master Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars movies. His contribution to these blockbuster cult films will forever be remembered and watched over and over again. But we believe Mark Hamill’s contribution to other film projects should...
by TheMac | Jun 2, 2013 | Movies & Series, Slider |
The untimely death of the “The Dark Knight” actor has left many questions surrounding the circumstances that lead to his demise. Heath Ledger was found dead in his New York apartment on January 22, 2008, a couple of months before the release of the second...