by TheMac | Nov 26, 2014 | Movies & Series, Wallpapers |
Guillermo del Toro has been hard at work for over a year now by setting in place the foundations for a “Justice League Dark” movie. The last time we checked in with updates for the JLD project, it was all hanging in the balance of DC’s plans to expand their cinematic...
by TheMac | Nov 16, 2013 | Movies & Series, Slider |
Something we are all hoping for is a decent comeback for DC considering the number of failed attempts to bring to life some of our favorite characters. recently reported that “Blade II “and “Hellboy” franchise helmer Guillermo del Toro have plans to...
by TheFran | Jul 16, 2013 | Movies & Series |
Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim is making a slow climb at the Box office, and what everyone suspected to be a massive earning blockbuster machine is barely escaping the “tanking” label. This is thanks to worldwide earnings after earnings in the U.S....