by TheFran | Jul 25, 2016 | Movies & Series, Series Trailers |
It’s Comic Con 2016 people! Which means the latest and greatest trailers/news/promo’s in the movie and TV industry is flying in fast. First up is the great trailer for the spin-off series Luke Cage. Spinning-off from Jessica Jones of course. We weren’t expecting too...
by TheFran | Feb 4, 2016 | Movie Trailers, Movies & Series |
I stopped watching Supergirl a long time ago. I lasted about 5 episodes. I just could not tolerate any more of the fluffy pink superhero TV shows that is constantly flooding our previously loved and soon to be hated superhero series’. Flash is borderline cheap fluffy...
by TheFran | Sep 17, 2015 | Movies & Series, Slider |
Here’s our first look at as the sexy super-powered Jessica Jones. Marvel Entertainment and Netflix have released the first official photos from their upcoming original series Marvel’s Jessica Jones, featuring not only the title hero but also new images of Mike...
by TheFran | Sep 12, 2015 | Movies & Series, Slider |
You may have heard that Netflix is bringing us a new Marvel TV-show called Jessica Jones. Most of us probably went “yeah that’s awesome” after hearing the news, followed by a “who’s Jessica Jones?”. Relax, you’re not...
by TheMac | Dec 7, 2014 | Movies & Series, Wallpapers |
It been over a year since Marvel released an article stating that Disney and Netflix are joining forces to stream at least four original series based on Marvel characters. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage are officially on the table but news for the...
by TheMac | Nov 8, 2013 | Movies & Series, Slider |
Some very exciting Marvel news has hit the interwebs! released an article stating that Disney and Netflix are joining forces to stream at least four original series based on Marvel characters. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage will be the...