Video: This is Why Women Are Awesome!

Video: This is Why Women Are Awesome!

I’m sure we don’t have to give any specific lengthy reasons why we think women are awesome because it’s quite obvious now isn’t it! Besides the fact that the fairer sex is better looking, they also possess the skills to wow us, make us stand back and look at them with...
Hilarious 8-Bit Matrix Fight Scene

Hilarious 8-Bit Matrix Fight Scene

Anything done or redone in 8-bit is awesome. Please bring back proper 8-bit gaming! Hearing 8-bit sounds instead of the real sound effects is real noises makes it way more enjoyable, especially in this Matrix : Reloaded fight scene. Phillip Raupach edited the fight...
Batman Does Metal

Batman Does Metal

What’s better than Batman? What’s better than a rocking Metal tune? It’s Batman rocking that same Metal tune! Have a look at this great video of Batman rocking with his cape out in this most hilarious music video. The caped crusader teams up with...