If you’ve watched the latest episode of the HBO hit Game of Thrones, then you would have been pretty much going “WTF!!!!” for about 5 minutes. This is if you have not read the books. Here at GS we’ve decided not to dive into the books just yet, and boy where we shocked at episode 9, the “Red Wedding”, or officially called “The Rains of Castamere”.
Have a look at the video below that is a great mashup of viewers who have not read the books’ reactions. Now it makes sense why HBO chose not to air this episode on Memorial Day. They wanted to get the maximum amount of viewers. People can’t stop talking about this episode…
Game of Thrones Episode 9 Viewers reactions to Shocking “Red Wedding”
the reactions of the people who have read the books are just a priceless. This just made us realize that the Lannisters know how war works. As the tagline goes:
When you play the game of thrones, you either win or lose, there is no middle ground.