Boromir’s Horn was a famous heirloom passed down by the Stewards of Gondor. When it was blown by the eldest son of the Steward it rang loud and caused much fear among all enemies. #lotrfact
Today we take a look into this significant artifact in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy. It is described as being “an heirloom of the house of Beor,” which suggests that it may have been a family treasure passed down through generations.
House of Beor:
We get all excited when we hear the words “Beor”. So as an additional bit of information, here’s some more detail on the house of Beor: The House of Beor is one of the three houses of the Edain, a group of Men who fought alongside the Elves in the First Age of Middle-earth. The Edain were a chosen group of Men who were given the land of Beleriand by the Elves, and they played a crucial role in the wars against the Dark Lord Morgoth.
The House of Beor produced several notable figures, including Barahir, who was given the Ring of Barahir by Finrod Felagund as a token of his gratitude for saving his life. The Ring of Barahir was later passed down to Aragorn, a descendant of the House of Beor, and it played a significant role in “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy.
Back to the Horn:
In the movie adaptation of “The Lord of the Rings,” it is mentioned that the Horn of Boromir was a gift to Boromir from his father, Denethor, the Steward of Gondor. The horn was crafted before the line of the Kings of Gondor was broken.
It was a large war-horn and tipped with silver written in ancient characters. Boromir blew it before leaving Rivendell with the Fellowship, as he always did when setting out on a journey. He sounded it again in Moria, causing the Orcs and even the Balrog to pause in their advance. The third time he blew it was on the banks of Parth Galen, calling for help in defending Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took. This last call, in addition to being heard by Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, was faintly heard by his brother Faramir and his father Denethor II. The horn was broken into two pieces during Boromir’s last fight with the Orcs and Uruk-hai of Saruman at Amon Hen.
An heirloom of the house of the Stewards of Gondor, the Horn of Gondor had been carried by the eldest son for generations.
But always I have let my horn cry at setting forth, and though thereafter we may walk in the shadows, I will not go forth as a thief in the night.”
― Boromir
The last time the horn was rung was shortly before its destruction when Boromir was with the Fellowship of the Ring. While fighting, Boromir created a sound so loud that it could be heard in Minas Tirith. Sadly, the little help that could come – the rest of the Fellowship – could not make it in time. Though the Uruk-hai were at first dismayed and drew back, they returned more fierce than ever. In the fight that cost Boromir’s life, the horn was cloven in two.
Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas laid it in the elven boat with Boromir and his weapons and sent it down the falls of Rauros. The two parts of the horn fell out of the boat, and were found several days later. One was found in the reeds near the mouths of Entwash, the other further down the river. They were brought to Denethor, who held them on his lap, anxiously waiting for news of his beloved son.
Those answers came, eventually, when Gandalf brought Peregrin Took, witness to Boromir’s last stand, before the Steward.