Can the franchise continue without Robert Downey Jr, who has proved himself as the ultimate billionaire playboy, industrialist and ingenious engineer, Tony Stark? Kevin Feige, Marvel Studio president, is positive that Iron Man can succeed with a new actor playing Tony Stark:
“I believe there will be a fourth Iron Man and a fifth, sixth and a 10th and a 20th. I see no reason why Tony Stark can’t be as evergreen as James Bond, Batman, or for that matter, Spider-Man,” – Kevin Feige.
The release of the Marvel movie Iron Man 3 saw the end of the contract of Robert Downey Jr as the Iron Man.
Downey Jr will not jump ship to leave the new actor at the helm he said:
“Probably one of my finest days of stewardship would be discussing the matter with whoever is cast to carry the torch. That’s what life is about,” – Robert Downey Jr.
It will be very difficult to replace Downey Jr, especially after the success and huge fan following the franchise has generated during the years. Gywneth Paltrow had the following to say regarding possible replacements for Downey Jr:
“You’ve got pathos, you’ve got humour, you’ve got a facility with language and improvisation and an incredible pain underneath it all. It’s difficult to replicate that.” – Gywneth Paltrow
Should they continue Iron Man or enjoy the success they have earned and call it a day?
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