Marvel shared an exclusive first look at upcoming films Ant-Man and Avengers: Age of Ultron at the Marvel Unlimited Plus members-only (Note to self: Become a Marvel Unlimited Plus member!) event held at the New York Comic-Con. We don’t have the actual footage to show, but we do have a detailed description of what was shown, and believe us when we say these two movies are going to be fantastic! Although we can expect to see an exclusive preview on the Guardians of the Galaxy Blu-ray DVD, this came as a big surprise to us all!
The Ant-Man footage starts with Hank Pym introducing himself to a tiny armoured Scott Lang as Ant-Man running through the streets. Pym also shows Lang a relatively large fly that he uses for mobility purpose.
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The panel then shows a hilarious scene from Avengers: Age of Ultron where the team is casually taking a break from their superhero job and pounding a few drinks to relax, and engage in “lifting Thor’s Hammer.”
“Thor casually places Mjolnir on the table before them and it isn’t long until Stark makes a gentleman’s bet to see if he can left the hammer. ‘If I lift this, I get to rule Asgard?’ he proposes, followed by a comic montage of most of the Avengers attempting to lift the hammer including a futile attempt to use technology and Rhodes. Banner fails to get angry enough. And Rogers. Well, you’ll have to wait for that one. It’s all fun and games until Ultron barges in and condemns the Avengers to death, calling them killers and essentially hypocrites,” the website reports.
This scene was followed by the premiere of the Avengers 2 trailer, which is set to be a haunting version of Got No Strings from Disney’s Pinocchio.
The footage shows a “street fight between the massive Vision and Hulk and ends with an incredibly spooky scene with Stark stumbling across a pool of dead bodies strewn out in what appears to be an endless field — and happens to spot Roger’s shield.”
The panel was led by Marvel studio’s executive editorial director Ryan Penagos.
Avengers: Age of Ultron will be released on May 1, 2015, while Ant-Man hits theaters on July 2015.