James Franco will play serial killer Buster Casey in ‘Rant’, which is based on the novel “Rant: The Oral Biography of Buster Casey” from “Fight Club” author Chuck Palahniuk. Franco is expanding his horizons with yet another well-known book to be adapted to big screen. Palahniuk also shared his novels, Fight Club” and “Choke”, to be adapted, with “Rant” becoming the third novel to receive the big screen treatment. I for one, am extremely excited to see what this collaboration will bring to the table. Franco’s “The Sound And The Fury,” “Child Of God” and “As I Lay Dying” may not have been the critics’ choice, but there is no denying his potential to produce something exceptional.
Palahniuk said in a statement:
“As of last night we’ve finalized a deal for James Franco to option my novel ‘Rant'”
“Details about the casting, shooting and a proposed release date will be forthcoming. Hurray. After the opportunity to work with Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Sam Rockwell, I can’t imagine a more exciting actor to work with than Franco.”
Buster Casey was one of the most efficient serial killers and leader of an urban demolition derby called Party Crashing. Franco’s acting chops will be put to the test and hopefully give him a much-needed boost to pursue similar roles in future. Palahniuk’s “Fight Club” is a true gem, and the movie adaptation provided one of the most influential outlooks on films at the time. Will we see another mind bending epic with “Rant”?
Check out the book synopsis:
Buster “Rant” Casey just may be the most efficient serial killer of our time. A high school rebel, Rant Casey escapes from his small town home for the big city where he becomes the leader of an urban demolition derby called Party Crashing. Rant Casey will die a spectacular highway death, after which his friends gather the testimony needed to build an oral history of his short, violent life.
Source: Collider