‘The Jungle Book’ Scribe Justin Marks is officially hired to rewrite “Top Gun 2” according to a latest scoop from The Hollywood Reporter. “The Town” writer Peter Craig wrote the first draft for the Tom Cruise classic sequel that is being made by Paramount and Skydance. The long gestating project lost a bit of steam when Tony Scott, the director of the 1986 original committed suicide in 2012. He was originally tapped to take seat behind the lens for the sequel.
Also see: 3 Rumored Jerry Bruckheimer Projects to Keep an Eye
Legendary producer Jerry Bruckheimer has been keeping the flame alive to see the sequel made for a long time. We are also excited to see Tom Cruise reprise his role as Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. That’s tight geeks, Top Gun will not be the same if Tom’s Maverick is not ready to rain down all sorts of hell. According to Bruckheimer, the follow-up will reflect today’s changing world of warfare by possibly introducing Drones.
It’s really good to see the production team making strides toward getting the film made after a 30 year hiatus. It will be interesting to see how Bruckheimer will incorporate the modern warfare aspects since everything has changed so much since the last film was made. The possibilities seem endless but caution is required to ensure that we don’t end up with a Mission Impossible-esque fighter pilot movie. We are very excited for the sequel, any geeks out there getting pumped to see Maverick back in action? Hopefully Tom (now 52-years-old) can still impress in a shirtless beach volleyball scene?!
Skinny Val Kilmer and Cruise playing V-Ball in his jeans is priceless!
Love the cheesy 80’s song, “Playing with the Boys” by Kenny Loggins.