Robert Downey Jr. has officially opened an account on the social media giant, Twitter. The “Iron Man” star coyly entered his bio information saying “You know who I am”. As the mega Hollywood actors’ bio states, people responded within minutes since his first tweet on Friday, April 11 when he posted a picture of him holding a sign bearing his verified name on Twitter. 18,000 fans joined his account nearly instantly and is currently soaring with over 1.18 million followers at the time of this article.
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He also requires some assistance with expressing his thoughts with a character limit of only 140! We know your pain Mr. Downey Jr., welcome to Twitter!
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His tweets to date:
Robert Downey Jr @RobertDowneyJr Apr 12
Please be gentle…it’s my first time. Testament to my trust in that guy who directed @ChefTheFilm.
Robert Downey Jr @RobertDowneyJr Apr 12
Hey tweeters, make room for Downey!
Robert Downey Jr @RobertDowneyJr Apr 11
Talk to me, Twitter.