HearthStone 1

* Last Updated on 2014/07/04

Welcome to our unofficial HearthStone Ladder – Top 50 Players. HearthStone’s out of Beta, and we have our official ranked play ladder rankings. These are the best players currently in the world (Divided into North America and Europe)! We will be updating our ladder as usual, with an attempt to have the most updated, relevant ladder list around. We should still see a significant change in rankings over the next few seasons, before things start to stabilize. We’ll be keeping track of the top 10′s progression over the next seasons by providing each players movement up or down the seasons ladder.

We aim to keep track of the most consistent players. Heres our HearthStone Ladder – Top 50 Players from Season 1 and 2:


Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America Season 1

  1. Imamurgl
  2. hyp3d
  3. hyped
  4. Admirable
  5. mitjdw
  6. Alchemixt
  7. Failfellow
  8. BoLiN
  9. BwaMu
  10. Abaporu
  11. prodigy
  12. backspace
  13. LuigEzz
  14. Realz
  15. Firebat
  16. Freshca
  17. Akogare
  18. bma
  19. puffin
  20. Strelzik
  21. Chakki
  22. kitkatz
  23. Kolento
  24. Hafu
  25. Xixo
  26. DeVoTeD
  27. Snape
  28. Vinses
  29. Stoyven
  30. Sa10
  31. zRusheR
  32. Ðart
  33. StrifeCro
  34. LuckerDog
  35. Specter
  36. Imkirok
  37. heroux
  38. Bounds
  39. playet
  40. SilentStorm
  41. Strider
  42. mackerel
  43. TheCatsMeow
  44. Razor
  45. NotoriousBIG
  46. Dennis
  47. DestructEv
  48. B4llzDeep
  49. Ignite
  50. Ssambas


Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe Season 1

  1. Lifecoach
  2. Neirea
  3. Kolento
  4. Erom
  5. Dreamore667
  6. ThijsNL
  7. NaSoMaNiAC
  8. NabUttE
  9. TheFallen
  10. Gravesh
  11. Xixo
  12. Bhinde
  14. Forsen
  15. Wandal
  16. Dethelor
  17. Ivan89
  18. thefishou
  19. Arhwest
  20. PythOn
  21. Denom
  22. genjei
  23. boku1984
  24. Darkwonyx
  25. Ender
  26. tOssyy
  27. m1ssf0xyiio7
  29. Ramaya
  30. nutshell
  31. Derigaaz
  32. GuardsmanBob
  33. bonkers
  34. Yogg
  35. Fnoop
  36. Konti
  37. Shakalets
  38. HolLó
  39. unwi
  40. Kunzi
  41. BootyHunter
  42. Turtledash
  43. Savjz
  44. Garrickz
  45. Aralegi
  46. wtk300
  47. Grubi
  48. Seeker
  49. Seloko
  50. Loveckysalam


Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America Season 2

  1. StrifeCro Up from 33
  2. hyp3d Kept Position
  3. Tarei
  4. hyped Down from 3
  5. Sender
  6. reynad
  7. Cyru
  8. Strelzik Up from 20
  9. CountChocula Up from 18
  10. bma
  11. yottiy4
  12. rain
  13. Neghr
  14. Kurum
  15. Staz
  16. Failfellow Down from 7
  17. Thachzor
  18. suuiche
  20. Sommer
  21. Chance
  22. Muirhead
  23. Owatonka
  24. Lotusx
  25. Axtius
  26. Bowles
  27. Bounds Up from 38
  28. LennyFoulds
  29. Vastuish
  30. DuckWingFACE
  31. AllHailMatt
  32. SirBuckeye
  33. Lifecoach
  34. Razor Up from 34
  35. LiquidDiego
  36. Revelaxion
  37. Ironhead
  38. Khymera
  39. Ðart Down from 32
  40. surpass
  41. allandang
  42. Mandraxhair
  43. Alleria
  44. Coglorin
  45. Blackacre
  46. durr
  47. Decoherence
  48. Darkbunny
  49. Haritsuka
  50. puffin Down from 19


Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe Season 2 

  1. Kjeks
  2. Superwulfi
  3. Kunzi Up from 40
  4. Ostkaka
  5. Spiritedaway
  6. DyNaTy
  7. Seeker Up from 48
  8. genjei Up from 22
  9. Enemy
  10. tém
  11. Moses170
  12. CookMySock
  13. chunkOfMeat
  14. GoblinWelder
  15. Icysoul
  16. Biscaf
  17. StahpItBlizz
  18. Chollx
  19. Youwillfail
  20. Lifecoach Down from 1
  21. thefishou Down from 18
  22. Cyru
  23. Airbrushed
  24. Tyrhus
  25. TheFallen Down from 9
  26. rajta
  27. wtk300 Up from 46
  28. Beasthjorten
  29. oliech
  30. Noike
  31. FragoDK
  32. awy
  33. Dobray
  34. AceOfTards
  35. hypokeimenon
  36. Dots
  37. Pichenci
  38. Lucky
  39. Talafar
  40. ZerO
  41. Kolento Down from 3
  42. SwordMaster
  43. Relix
  44. Enomis
  45. Hcrush
  46. Ztumpan
  47. Olmek
  48. FunkDiscoBoy
  49. RunningPie
  50. Oliivist


Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America Season 3

  1. LuigEzz
  2. Forsen
  3. Firebat
  4. ShinyPants
  5. Kabi
  6. Strelzik Up from 8
  7. Hafu
  8. purpledrank
  9. ErA
  10. bma Stayed on 10
  11. dog
  12. Razor Up from 34
  13. Tom
  14. nacanoob
  15. Azuzu
  16. Fang
  17. Luchesi
  18. Azuresky
  19. GeorgeMcFly
  20. Chakki
  21. Yseros
  22. hyped Down from 4
  23. Icysoul
  24. Grindstone
  25. bloodyface
  26. Benchpress
  27. Awakening
  28. Ðart Up from 38
  29. Crumpled
  30. TidesofTime
  31. WeDoNotSow
  32. VaNdALiSM
  33. zRusheR
  34. yoitsflo
  35. Huynher
  36. BestKappaNA
  37. Noby
  38. Stosh
  39. Ninive
  40. hyp3d Down from 2
  41. Bounds Down from 27
  42. Zilea 
  43. Axtius Down from 25 
  44. BwaMu
  45. AtsuenArashi
  46. EIGHT
  47. heroux
  48. Imamurgl
  49. Fpv000
  50. Huor


Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe Season 3 

  1. Forsen
  2. Kolento Up from 41
  3. BIGEldrazi
  4. MCpNoisyboy
  5. Baku
  6. Thalai
  7. Neirea
  8. mkr
  9. Gardeh
  10. Yxm
  11. Matthew
  12. obv
  13. Xanthi
  14. Daxt
  15. Fmpl
  16. WhtPwdr
  17. Garrickz
  18. Lothar
  19. Ekop
  20. kitkatz
  21. HaaahNoobs
  22. Icysoul Down from 15
  23. tjenatjena
  24. nairolf
  25. mitjdw
  26. Metavayde
  27. DevilFruit6
  28. Lightdestroy
  29. zoro
  30. Jeanmi69
  31. Ostkaka Down from 4
  32. Online3D
  33. Frezzar
  34. park
  35. FaKe
  36. Lifecoach Down from 20
  37. Vyy
  38. ikealyou
  39. IhaveLethal
  40. CupCake
  41. bananflugan
  42. Luchesi
  43. ajmer
  44. Flash
  45. InnNumberguy
  46. Zetion
  47. Recyrillic
  48. Jenkat
  49. Matpakke
  50. lostov



Beta Test Season [2013-Jan 2014]


Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America

  1. XzaM (Up from 2)
  2. Bowles
  3. bma (Same)
  4. Realz
  5. Kageno (Up from 7)
  6. paradise
  7. Chakki
  8. YOLO
  9. zRusheR (Up from 27)
  10. kitkatz (Down from 5)
  11. aRty (Down from 8)
  12. LuigEzz (Down from 9)
  13. StrifeCro (Down from 9)
  14. Jez (Down from 12)
  15. Hòme (Down from 13)
  16. Daggermouth (Down from 14)
  17. reckful (Down from 16)
  18. Ramalama (Down from 17)
  19. Vylo
  20. slychin (Down from 18)
  21. Savjz
  22. Wenselaas (Up from 36)
  23. realmage (Down from 21)
  24. Barbalel (Down from 22)
  25. blueblurr (Down from 23)
  26. chalobisbal
  27. Saccharine (Down from 26)
  28. lzyjam (Same)
  29. igoaf
  30. Dirtydeeds
  31. Phi (Down from 24)
  32. oatmealent (Up from 40)
  33. Wampie
  34. Rorix (Down from 33)
  35. Xavier (Down from 34)
  36. indY
  37. madtimmy (Down from 35)
  38. SexGoblin
  39. Elfflame (Down from 38)
  40. hoodrych (Up from 41)
  41. Trelly
  42. fyrst
  43. boydy
  44. Vinny
  45. Zansetsu (Down from 43)
  46. unholy
  47. Hosty
  49. Sam
  50. Bete


Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe

  1. Segismundo
  2. Kalle
  3. GreenPlant
  4. Mandros
  5. rerre
  6. Scarx
  7. SensoR
  8. KhayN
  9. Ostkaka
  10. Yliajo
  11. Ekop
  12. Necx
  13. maximgi
  14. Gravesh
  15. Necro
  16. maultasch
  17. YanGG
  18. scarrr
  19. Lothar
  20. Pheldda
  21. Kolento
  22. JohnCooper
  23. Tobi
  24. tomof
  25. Dotzgie
  26. Mossee
  27. Wuaschtsemme
  28. Spiritedaway
  29. NaSoMaNiAC
  30. Wampie
  31. Lelouch
  32. Blooddragon
  33. DiZ
  34. DecaPod
  35. Луче
  36. GoblinWelder
  37. FallinSky
  38. Setzer
  39. Airbrushed
  40. san82
  41. JLHEnt
  42. Dawidowski
  43. Bimbz
  44. Nepho
  45. Tony
  46. Spo
  47. Dragon
  48. Cicak
  49. DrEaX
  50. ThePet


Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America

  1. StrifeCro
  2. XzaM
  3. bma
  4. hyped
  5. kitkatz
  6. KingSkyWing
  7. Kageno
  8. aRty
  9. LuigEzz
  10. Smuft
  11. Monkey
  12. Jez
  13. Hòme
  14. Daggermouth
  15. Varranis
  16. reckful
  17. Ramalama
  18. slychin
  19. Kithros
  20. TheMe
  21. realmage
  22. Barbalel
  23. blueblurr
  24. Phi
  25. SuShi
  26. Saccharine
  27. zRusheR
  28. lzyjam
  29. ReD
  30. Ender
  31. waitinthecar
  32. NicJam
  33. Rorix
  34. Xavier
  35. madtimmy
  36. Wenselaas
  37. iCeS
  38. Elfflame
  39. Razarz
  40. oatmealent
  41. hoodrych
  42. Trump
  43. Zansetsu
  44. Admirable
  45. Elanshin
  46. Snooky
  47. Bryan
  48. PoorUser
  49. apDrop
  50. Ksapa
  51. reynad
  52. zGGLeoz
  53. HummyHero
  54. Zeys
  55. Roquefire
  56. adyb
  57. Bobthetroll
  58. tricksta
  59. doomdg
  60. paradise
  61. Implication
  62. Zoombuh
  63. Atlanta
  64. Philo
  65. yiminnb
  66. Ironhead
  67. Exactable
  68. Sutty
  69. yuri
  70. TreebornFrog
  71. Xctu
  72. RubinZoo
  73. darknightmo
  74. bigraidlord
  75. Realz
  76. Status
  77. Forge
  78. Sephra
  79. puffin
  80. Rastaelmo
  81. BoLiN
  82. dessi
  83. Iksar
  84. Bofur
  85. mitjdw
  86. okComputer
  87. Strivers
  88. Rngezus
  89. Farmacist
  90. fyrst
  91. Chronnox
  92. Supernova
  93. YOLO
  94. Savjz
  95. Ðart
  96. KissHugLove
  97. dengxu
  98. xiayi
  99. Proxy
  100. Trucks



Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe

  1. Segismundo
  2. Kalle
  3. GreenPlant
  4. Lifecoach
  5. Pemmin
  6. Xixo
  7. Guldor
  8. KhayN
  9. Scarx
  10. Innerlol
  11. Necx
  12. Max
  13. Gravesh
  14. Mexxlo
  15. scarrr
  16. Ekop
  17. Lothar
  18. Pheldda
  19. Bestmarmotte
  20. tjenatjena
  21. Leps
  22. Yliajo
  23. Spiritedaway
  24. AAblues
  25. MaNzAnUKi
  26. maultasch
  27. Kolento
  28. JohnCooper
  29. Wampie
  30. Lelouch
  31. Blooddragon
  32. GoblinWelder
  33. DecaPod
  34. buffi
  35. Airbrushed
  36. Dawidowski
  37. Bimbz
  38. Tony
  39. Dragon
  40. Swartosbrush
  41. Dotzgie
  42. Gnimsh
  43. Aeko
  44. Andrea
  45. Nepho
  46. SensoR
  47. Nyhx
  48. Setzer
  49. Mandros
  50. Ivan89
  51. mkr
  52. AceofSpades
  53. Bloodlips
  54. KeeHo
  55. JLHEnt
  56. bkbgrnrjefek
  57. copo
  58. Gab
  59. Skunkzy
  60. Thalai
  61. bibber2765
  62. nevermore
  63. Widowmaker
  64. jussius
  65. cecicup
  66. Lockas
  67. FallinSky
  68. Nylaxina
  69. Milithium
  70. TrippyWormS
  71. IRAlukardo
  72. buddi
  73. Ness
  74. ManuS
  75. Alves
  76. spiN
  77. TikkiTavi
  78. Kerber
  79. Bibilicious
  80. Tyranastrasz
  81. julsn
  82. dryidko
  83. rajta
  84. groovyskillz
  85. wtk300
  86. SonG
  87. Kreati
  88. Milan
  89. d3javu
  90. Via
  91. Calmon
  92. Mats
  93. Dieck
  94. Tobi
  95. Serpid
  96. xinfyz
  97. Morrison
  98. LeMonkeyFace
  99. Accu
  100. Cipher
  101. Honesty


Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America

  1. Savjz (Up 12)
  2. Comber
  3. weet (Down 1)
  4. Shapis (Down 1)
  5. Ryda (Down 1)
  6. Railed (Down 5)
  7. gadm7 (Up 5)
  8. Wavelet
  9. SuperSB (Up 6)
  10. Kithros (Up 33)
  11. Mod
  12. zykon (Down 4)
  13. Picklz
  14. Dekar (Up 5)
  15. watlok (Up 1)
  16. Fjord
  17. curi
  18. Kberry
  19.  zShock (Down 13)
  20. memz
  21. Xuan
  22. Sylas (Down 5)
  23. Auren
  24. nomainous (Down 6)
  25. Moochero (Same)
  26. Cousy
  27. XzaM
  28. Sandwhale
  29. JOGI
  30. Amercnidiot (Up 5)
  31. Bluewolf (Down 21)
  32. SpaceCowboy
  33. aname
  34. Tovalkin
  35. Dayoni
  36. Drakolich
  37. Leeamus
  38. Leahcim (Down 7)
  39. Reddie
  40. Jez
  41. Philo
  43. Vyril (Down 10)
  44. fixate
  45. Xanaclu
  46. Mundungu
  47. TheBawse
  48. JoonHyuk
  49. CrowbarMatt
  50. Strings (Down 6)



Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe

  1. Cipher
  2. Borostiliont
  3. Adzik (Same)
  4. icy
  5. JesusNails
  6. R0NNYN (Down 5)
  7. Suezay
  8. Beeblebrox
  9. Nyhx
  10. WhySoSkilled (Up 36)
  11. Felyndra
  12. StarSh1ne
  13. Nether
  14. Деамонда (Up 34)
  15. THQQ (Down 6)
  16. Manni
  17. Syntaxx
  18. Barrier (Down 10)
  19. balooni
  20. lopolop
  21. Savjz
  22. Njonjic
  23. Cassie (Up 6)
  24. Orsm
  25. Aramore (Down 19)
  26. Und3R
  27. asdasdas
  28. peffko (Down 12)
  29. Natath
  30. Crux (Down 20)
  31. ryo
  32. Hcrush
  33. Inkalm (Down 26)
  34. Madrac00n
  35. Fade
  36. Fei
  37. Mysias
  38. Ober
  39. Lurtzer
  40. Venya
  41. Wargos
  42. zmef (Down 20)
  43. Dashiva
  44. Margras (Down 17)
  45. Malkav3
  46. Foffo
  47. Masho
  48. kanytu
  49. randomScrub
  50. tritestuff


Top 50 HearthStone Players – North America

  1. Railed
  2. weet
  3. Shapis
  4. Ryda
  5. XzaM
  6. zShock
  7. Solace
  8. zykon
  1. – Twitch: twitch.tv/im_zykon
  2. – Twitter: @im_zykon
  3. TheManBomb
  4. Bluewolf
  5. bertu
  6. gadm7
  7. BanderitaUSA
  8. – Class: Druid
  9. – Profile link
  10. – Druid Deck Guide
  11. Sukoshi
  12. SuperSB
  13. watlok
  14. Sylas
  15. nomainous
  16. Dekar
  17. TheoConfidor
  18. StrifeCro
  19. Bohemond
  20. Twisted
  21. Exactable
  22. Moochero
  23. Puree
  24. Oeberon
  25. Caide
  26. spOh
  27. shubei
  28. Leahcim
  29. Zamga
  30. Vyril
  31. Isoul
  32. Amercnidiot
  33. Kurumi
  34. Morlu
  35. Pariah
  36. Arev
  37. CrowbarMatt
  38. Strings
  39. Bzariah
  40. Kithros
  41. Catnis
  42. Ryuzilla
  43. Torunscar
  44. Unclephilip
  45. Toyz
  46. zealot
  47. Justin


Top 50 HearthStone Players – Europe

  1. R0NNYN
  2. kolemoen
  3. Adzik
  4. Brzost
  5. Felyndra
  6. Aramore
  7. Inkalm
  8. Barrier
  9. THQQ
  10. Crux
  11. StarSh1ne
  12. Woop
  13. Savjz
  14. Subutai
  15. Lowneil
  16. peffko
  17. poet
  18. Ekop
  19. Magetha
  20. Notausgang
  21. Asha
  22. zmef
  23. QnRA
  24. Jaklie
  25. Cricetola
  26. Suezay
  27. Margras
  28. Mefisto
  29. Cassie
  30. Foffo
  31. SmoothCrime
  32. Serge
  33. Hurrixd
  34. weak4
  35. NightyDevil
  36. ImWicked
  37. Zephyre
  38. Pain5991
  39. JHS
  40. Leloluch
  41. Twi
  42. Eury
  43. RandomH
  44. Schorenda
  45. Dorim
  46. WhySoSkilled
  47. Minty
  48. BitZi
  49. Деамонда
  50. Milan

Well done guys!

If you’ve  been following us here at GeekShizzle then you would know that we are completely addicted to HearthStone. We’ve been playing non-stop and have even started putting together some handy tutorials. Have a look and learn:

  1. In our first guide we went through the initial options of the game and our first impression.
  2. In our second guide we briefly looked at the Heroes and how to choose one, what Deck types there are, and some strategic tips on actual in-game skills.
  3. In our third guide we looked at how important Taunt cards are and how to use them, as well as the best possible times to use direct spells.

Our fourth guide is almost complete, so stay tuned. See you in the Arena!