Creator of the show Vince Gilligan has revealed more details about the “Breaking Bad” spin-off “Better Call Saul”. Gilligan and writer/producer Peter Gould were unable to determine the way forward back in November 2013.
Also see: Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston in Talks to Reprise Roles on ‘Breaking Bad’ Spin-Off
We finally have an answer, Gilligan told Entertainment Weekly:
“We think, by and large, this show will be a prequel, but the wonderful thing about the fractured chronology we employed on Breaking Bad for many years is the audience will not be thrown by us jumping around in time,”
“So it’s possible that we may indeed do that, and we’ll see the past and perhaps the future.”
Gilligan also added about the possibilities of “Better Call Saul” intercepting the “Breaking Bad” era:
“That’s why I love the possibilities of the show so much. Anything is possible, and I can’t make any promises that we will indeed see that kind of stuff, but I can tell you from a writer’s point of view, it’s very freeing and emboldening to have those opportunities available to you.”
Gilligan continued to explain what we can expect from the drama “… with a much lighter tone than Breaking Bad”:
“When I say drama, even in a comedy, you want drama, you want tension and conflict, and a character that at heart seems at peace with himself is intrinsically undramatic …So we’ve been thinking about how to address that issue,”
Some of the characters that will appear in the series have also been revealed. Mike, played by Emmy nominee Jonathan Banks “would be a great deal of fun”, he said:
“I would say the sky’s the limit, at least theoretically speaking. Realistically speaking, we’ve got a whole lot of actors, and the world is now well-aware of their wonderful talents and abilities, and therefore Breaking Bad has probably made it tougher for Peter and I to get some of these folks pinned down for another TV show.”
Furthermore, “Breaking Bad” fans will be in for a treat. The stars from the hit TV show. Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul have each expressed their interest in making cameo appearances on the spin-off series.