“Homefront” stars Jason Statham in another action thriller written by Sylvester Stallone based on Chuck Logan’s novel of the same name. The story follows a former DEA agent Phil Broker (Statham) as he crosses paths with a local drug kingpin portrayed by James Franco.
Broker plans to live a quiet life with his young daughter in a seemingly quiet bayou backwater town, but her playground altercation with a bully put them on the radar of meth cook Gator Bodine (Franco). After some digging, Gator finds out who Phil really is and sets a plan in motion to bring him down.
In addition to Statham and Franco the film is supported by an impressive lineup starring Kate Bosworth, Winona Ryder and Rachelle Lefevre. Gary Fleder (“Runaway Jury”) is serving behind the lens. “Homefront” is due to be released on November 27.
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