The first official trailer for HBO’s upcoming series “True Detective” has been unveiled on Sunday, September 8. The series stars Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson who portrays two detectives, Rust Cohle and Martin Hart who is out to hunt a serial killer in Louisiana across seventeen years. The following seasons will replace the cast and story, adopting a similar format employed by FX for its hit series “American Horror Story” from “Nip-Tuk” creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk.
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The detective series will take place during different timelines, it will focus at the time the case first opened in 1995 and the present day. Cary Fukunaga is at the helm directing with the script written by Nic Pizzolatto (The Killing).
According to, “True Detective” season 1 is set for a January 2014 release date and consists of eight episodes.
Watch the trailer