Dark is considered one of the best original Netflix series to date. If you need a show to binge then this is it! But be warned; you are going to scratch your head and be confused more then you have ever been in a show. The family trees can get complicated. Add time-travel to the mix and you find yourself spending more time reading “Dark episode explained” than time spent watching the actual episode. You will not regret it. Dark has everything. It does complex, interweaving plot twists on a level that makes Westworld look like a pretend-clever show for children. It earns these twists by also being a delicately written study of broken familial interrelationships and small-town claustrophobia.
It’s a show that juggles the risks that come with time travel narratives with ease. Dark’s plot is complex to the point where I make a sport of waiting for it to completely fall apart. I spent three whole seasons waiting for Dark to drop the ball and collapse beneath its own weight, but it didn’t.
This TV show is a miracle. All three seasons rule in every way imaginable.
If you want to spare yourself to much confusion then follow our handy guide: “Watching Netflix Dark for the first time – How to prepare”. We found watching YouTube reviews extremely time consuming and tedious, official review sites to vague, and most web reviews unclear. The below resources are top notch. Enjoy!
1.Family Trees
Keep the family trees open for quick reference. These links have helped us the most:
Alternatively you can go to a more detailed view here for season 1 (above), season 2 and season 3
2. Detailed Reviews/Recap
Without a doubt metawitches has the best detailed breakdown of each episode. Well done! We enjoyed these reviews to much we had the episode on pause while reading the matching breakdown on metawitches.
Theres no news on a season 4 yet apart from a June 2023 date. We’re not putting too much faith into this news, a lot can happen until then. But be sure we will send updates as soon as they arrive.