ESPN released their now famous yearly body issue, and it has been met with much excitement and wonder. ESPN’s body issue celebrates the human physique. It brings to the front the excellent physical bodies of some of America’s top sports athletes. We’re of course celebrating with ESPN, so browse through the photos below, all listed for your own pleasure to admire and enjoy. The ESPN 2015 Body Issue – All The Images:
Also See: ESPN Body Issue 2014
1. Brittney Griner – Phoenix Mercury
2. Aly Raisman – Olympic Gymnast
3. Ali Kreiger – US Women’s National Team
4. Leticia Bufoni – Skateboarder
5. Paige Selenski – Field Hockey
6. Natalie Coughlin – Olympic Swimmer
7. Khatuna Lorig – Olympic Archer
8. Gabrielle Reece and Laird Hamilton – Beach Volleyball and Surfer