NBC Monday canceled Hannibal to the dismay of hundreds of super loyal fans. The show, which shows a detailed view of the lives of Hannibal and FBI profiler William Graham (Hugh Dancy), will not have a fourth season. Some Twitter users urged streaming networks like Hulu or Netflix to take over. We fully agree that Netflix should pick up season 4, especially after Director Fuller mentioned previously that season 4 is the season he is most excited about, as this may be the season that he introduces the popular GBI Agent Clarice.
Hannibal is one of our favorite shows! Check-out some of our popular Hannibal posts below:
- Hannibal: 5 Reasons why you should watch this Series!
- Hannibal Season 3 – Everything You Need To Know
- 5 Shows You Should Be Watching
Given the current climate of cancellations and pickups, it seems very likely that another network (or streaming service) might step in to pick up the acclaimed drama. Hulu was quick to swoop in on The Mindy Project after its FOX cancellation, while Yahoo recently freed up some space after its own NBC rescue of Community, and even Netflix has such series as The Killing and Longmire under its own track record.
Read More: ‘Hannibal’ Officially Canceled at NBC, Someone Call Netflix | http://screencrush.com/v/?trackback=tsmclip
In an official statement, NBC praised the show and creator Bryan Fuller. “We have been tremendously proud of ‘Hannibal’ over its three seasons. Bryan and his team of writers and producers, as well as our incredible actors, have brought a visual palette of storytelling that has been second to none in all of television — broadcast or cable. We thank Gaumont [the production company] and everyone involved in the show for their tireless efforts that have made ‘Hannibal’ an incredible experience for audiences around the world.”
Fuller also issued a statement and thanked the network for picking up “Hannibal” in the first place. “NBC has allowed us to craft a television series that no other broadcast network would have dared, and kept us on the air for three seasons despite Cancellation Bear Chow ratings and images that would have shredded the eyeballs of lesser standards-and-practices enforcers,” Fuller said in a statement quoted by TV Line. “[NBC president] Jen Salke and her team have been fantastic partners and creatively supportive beyond measure.
“ ‘Hannibal’ is finishing his last course at NBC’s table this summer,” Fuller added, “but a hungry cannibal can always dine again. And personally, I look forward to my next meal with NBC.”
But “goodbyes” and “thank yous” weren’t enough for devoted “Hannibal” fans. Instead, they hoped the show would live on — on another network.